Show DISCLAIMER 1 Horizon reserves es the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good goad taste and propriety Classified Classified Classi Classi- fied fled deadline is noon Thursday before publication For more information about classified advertising please call or stop by the Horizon office located located located ed on the Redwood C Campus in the ColIe College College Col Col- Ie lege e Center FOR RENT Room for rent one male roommate needed for a one year old located close to Redwood Cam Cam- pus Access to pool hot tub and weight room per month plus 3 1 of util util- Call Cottage Two bedrooms one bath fenced yard New flooring carpet carpet carpet car car- pet roof insulation Storage shed Washer dryer stove Pets OK per month deposit Call for information FOR i SALE TI TJ Graphing Calculator New Never Used Retail will sell for Call Tom at Holladay Condo for sale Freshly remodeled many amenities Call Nels owner HELP WANTED YS t Art models needed neede for life drawing courses 10 per hour Call Rick Part Full Time Inside Sales Representatives Representatives Integrated Solutions Inc is looking for a full and part time Sales Representative to market computer equipment and supplies Responsibilities ties include customer ups follow-ups quotation quotation quotation quota quota- tion preparation and prospect THIS s IS lS NOT OA A x i POSITION however phone skills are necessary Computer related knowledge marketing or sales background background background back back- ground is preferred Flexible hours call Mike at Ns c NOW V HIRING Now accepting applications fo for DAY SHIFTS-ALL SHIFTS POSITIONS Flexible hours great pay meal dis count Equal Opportunity Employer Apply at South State Street Midvale Family Fitness Center West South is now hiring for the following positions Activity Attendants Attendants Attendants Atten Atten- Aerobic Instructors Swimming Instructors Custodians Snack Bar Workers tors Apply at South Constitution Blvd 2700 2100 West Vest in the Personnel Office Prestige Wireless is now hiring top individuals to work in the exciting cellular cellular cellular lar industry If you are SELF MOTIVATED MOTIVATED MOTIVATED MOTI MOTI- FRIENDLY PROACTIVE 1 lf If f you want to have fun and make week comm PT Call now for an interview Prefer experience experience experience but will train NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS For time part-time evening servers Must be 21 Flexible Flexible Flexible ble schedules free meals and insurance packages available Apply in person Mon-Fri Mon 4 2 pm p.m. South 1900 West Part Time Telemarketing Monday- Monday Thursday NO SELLING Make outbound call to set appointments Starting wage hr To be apart of Armed Alert Security Team Call Brenda Sales Commission Security Consultant Consultant Consultant Consul Consul- tant with Armed Alert Security We offer training so you will be that best bestin bestin bestin in the business If you are enthusiastic Scoops S coo s n erna Iona Buffet Chinese Italian Mexican v OPEN OPE am a.m. to pm p.m. jf k v Jt s 1 1773 West South in in Carriage Square f Breakfast Lunch r Eggs 2 for t I t I Rice by the scoop Pancakes 2 for J FREE I EE Beef broccoli Waffles 2 for t I t I Sesame Chicken Sausage 2 for Drink With Ad Sweet Sour Bacon Ravioli f Spaghetti All You Can Eat Buffet All You Can Eat Buffet Plus 20 other dishes and want to be apart of a great Sales team call Brenda Fax CARS WANTED P CASH TODAY SELL YOUR CAR TRUCK OR VAN WITH ONE PHONE CALL Its It's worth your time to call OPPORTUNITIES I It I Ile WANTED Single le male performers high school graduates through age 24 and single female performers ages 1924 1924 1924 19 24 for nightly and daily musical theater productions and as site on-site guides in Nauvoo Illinois for summer of 2000 Singing and speaking parts Two dog clot gers and two excellent fiddlers will be selected among those with well developed developed developed devel devel- vocal skills Church Service Mission Mission rules apply Physically Physically Physically cally demanding mission must be in good nod health Before Dec 15 1999 write for details Send a sel self addressed envelope envelope envelope enve enve- lope with your name address and phone number to NAUVOO MUSICAL THEATER THEATER THEATER THE THE- ATER PROD 50 E E. North Temple COB UT NOTE NO EXCEPTIONS TO AGE LIMITS i pug oH 27 So Bangerter Hwy 1 I Kf deS Si d. d Q gc J So H ft com s Group Sales Saks 2356 t WORK WOI AT S Save ve more mort than man fa 50 O on r Earn S1 a t week No coM cod cans carts no door to door g gNan Won Non mind level lave 3 ail i HA t 1 U llis t at Part For Yang ages ages 30 18 LOS Standards IK iris llis s Friday Sept Set 17 17 1 91 9 1 4 Mw c w c Sponsored by Mrs CORN MAZE Pug 2704 30 t So li Si Up a i Ocd Sn I ft a Greup Sales Saks 2356 2000 FREE MONEY for first time home buyers Really Salt Lake Neighborhood Housing Services has collaborated with Community Development Corporation of Utah CDe to provide grants for first time home buyers Income qualified buyers buyers buyers-a a family of four must earn cam 40 a year or orless less less can can apply for 2000 grants to be applied toward the purchase of a l home f The grant can be used to offset closing costs or as part pan of a down payment The grants are available through Own in Salt Lake program and unlike loans through the money may be used toward the purchase of a home anywhere within the incorporated boundaries of Salt Lake City Listed below are the income qualifications for the grant which will allow you to qualify pre-qualify interested individuals Household size Maximum eligible income 80 AMI I person 2 people r k c 3 36 rr- rr M a i 4 people a 5 le 6 le tt J 7 people 8 people For more information contact Nancy Lorenzo at 1 THE BEST LAPTOPS IN THE WORLD ARE STILL KICKIN GET 50 OFF ANY USED COMPUTER SYSTEM BY USING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WHEN YOU REGISTER TO ORDER ONLINE The Toshiba Sales Service experts PO ER PI r ri i OUR GIANT COMBO LOOK OUT De V t le |