Show Getting Involved on Campus I Some of Clubs and Organizations Check out these clubs here on campus and Step into a Student Organization American African-American Awareness Association Adviser Deron Hutchinson or American Sign Language Adviser Eric R. R Lynn TTY or Asia Club Adviser Huy K Ngo or BACCHUS Adviser Deedee Lobato or Circle K International Adviser Wade Oliver or Coloring Outside the Lines Adviser Gordon Storrs or Dance Company Adviser Tess Golata Boone or Delta Epsilon Chi DEX Adviser Curtis or c edu I Emma Lou Thayne Community Service Center Director Susan Marchant or Environmental Club Adviser Deanna Anderson or Engineering Club Adviser Francis or Hispanic Student Council Adviser Sonia Parker or International Association of Electrical Inspectors Adviser Paul Lerdahl or International Club Adviser Nancy Fillat Filial or Leadership Council Adviser Terri Blau or Martial Arts Adviser Bill Smith ext 1094 MASQUE Adviser Suzanne McKenna or mckenns a Phi Beta Lambda Adviser Karen Killinger or Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Advisers Shari or Shannon or Physical Therapist Assistants Adviser Diana or Polynesian Club Adviser Kaio or Singers Adviser Tracy Evans or Student American Dental Association SADHA Adviser Shaun or Students for Exploration Development of Space Adviser Irina Irma Nelson or Student Nurses Alliance Adviser Wendy Whitney or nr Mens Men's and Women's Soccer Club Adviser Jim Hampton or nr Tae-Kwon-Do Tae Adviser Patirica Dubbeld 1417 |