Show A Scout is Trustworthy I Clean By By vat s 's v i w. w t Opinion pinyon Editor A scout is trustworthy loyal helpful friendly courteous kind obedient cheerful thrifty brave clean and reverent and according to the New Jersey Supreme Court he can also be gay In the recent court case Dale vs Boy Scouts of America New Jersey Jersey Jersey Jer Jer- sey judges decided the Boy Scouts' Scouts decision to expel openly gay assistant assistant assistant assis assis- tant scout leader James Dale violated violated violat violat- ed New Jerseys Jersey's anti tion law The fact is that the New Jersey decision violated the first amendment amendment amendment amend amend- ment which gives Americans the right to peaceably assemble The Boy Scouts are a private organization tion which promotes traditional sexual morality It is the Boy Scouts of America right to choose what criteria are to be met by its members As a private club the state and fed d eral r t j government ar e Js should n i not m be say whom say whom they v allow in- in their club If gay leaders and boys want to to enjoy scouting but the Boy Scouts dont don't allow gays then why dont don't they start their own club and andset andset andset set its own criteria for membership membership membership member member- ship This isn't there first time the Boy Scouts have been to court over people wanting in but it is the first time anyone has won at this level The Scouts are frequently sued by the ACLU on behalf of homosexuals homosexuals homosexuals homo homo- atheists and girls who- who although free to form their own want organizations-want to forcibly change the Boy Scouts The founding fathers set up this nation so that Americans could have freedom to choose With this court decision Boy Scouts are not being able to choose who they peaceably assemble with The courts court's decision trammels on the right to privacy free association and religious liberty If the government is owed allowed to ios do this what is next Religion Would it be constitutional for there thereto to be a law requiring Mormons Mormons' to allow gays into their temples Churches and private organizations have the right to exclude and expel those who meet their criteria If the ruling were upheld outside New Jersey it would end the entire idea of private association in Amer Amer- ica The government would have havethe havethe havethe the power to dictate who you can associate with Democracy broken down Demos means the people cracy means power Democracy is people having power so allowing government to choose whom we allow in are clubs is like giving up democracy There are many arguments on whether the Boy Scouts should or should not allow gays I am not saying that the Boy Scouts should or ur should not exclude gays I am am saying that it is there first amendment amendment amendment amend amend- ment right to |