Show fly r r. r fr f r f. f r r r J l F wit tt r r r r ft WU N f 1 l f r r f l. l lL f f 1 rI o. o r i l I r f. f fl f f. f f. f r. r n rF i r. r r f. f fi J Ur N 0 r ir oW r. r v i IH rr W I rr lh l v By Andy Crow Sports Editor Whatever happened to good old sports journal journalism ism in the sporting world today I couldn't help but notice that in the last four or five years television networks have tended to hire all the ex jocks ex-jocks jocks they can to their sports broadcast broadcast broadcast broad broad- cast teams On Fox football Sunday you have Howie Long Terry Bradshaw James Brown and Chris on the pre-game pre show On CBS for football they have the ever likeable Jerry Glanville in the broadcast booth Ever likeable as in Will anybody ever like that guy And then we have havethe havethe havethe the NBC basketball guys I mean Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isa Isa- t iah Thomas Bill Walton John Salley Salley Salley Sal- Sal ley The list could go on and on Lets take Fox football first Brown and Long Im I'm down with but Terry Bradshaw Yesterday Yesterday Yesterday Yes Yes- as he was announcing final scores of some of the finished NFL games Terry got to announce the scores and highlights of his f former rm team the You would think that an player ex-player would keep tabs on his former s teams but not Bradshaw Chris Maafala from the nearby University of Utah scored a touchdown for the in yesterdays game Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Brad Brad- shaw pronounced his name like Ive I've never heard it before It was such a abad abad abad bad pronunciation of the name I 1 dont don't even want to attempt to write it down downin in this article That was just one in thelong thelong the thelong long line of Terry Bradshaw ups screw-ups in my opinion Jerry Glanville granted he wasn't a player but he coached in the NFL isn't very much better than Bradshaw Glanville is so dry He comes over the wrong way because he obviously has a avast avast avast vast knowledge of the game of football football football foot foot- ball but who really knows what hes he's talking about The entire NBC basketball staff needs an overhaul of personnel I even forgot to mention MJ's best pal Ahmad Rashad Thomas can barely put a sentence together Walton thinks hes he's the most outrageous announcer since say Glanville and all Salley can talk about are his days playing with MJ and the champion Bulls Wasn't Salley on the Pistons most of his career anyway The sporting world needs more people who have been trained in the field to get the job done Not just done but done efficiently and Journalists have gotten a bad opinion opinion opinion ion labeled on them on as bad reporters and journalists I feel for the rest of the journalistic world because these four or five Ive I've mentioned I feel have given people that stereotype of bad network journalism So give the broadcasts a break I know I do Its It's not all bad what's on television d w |