Show Breinholt Performs Benefit Concert Concert to Benefit Kaitlin Delobel with her fight against Cancer By Leslie Merrill Staff Writer Peter Breinholt and other local musicians put on a charity concert in inthe inthe inthe the Alder Amphitheater last Friday The Latter-Day Latter Saint Student Association sponsored the concert for a little girl named Kaitlin Delobel She has Disease which requires shots every six months During the last couple of weeks over tickets were sold for the concert Despite the cold weather and the rain from earlier in the day over people showed up The concert began with two local bands The first Minds Eye sang two songs the audience really got into the concert The second an a cappella cappella cap- cap pella group consisting of four people two alumni Lee Hall and Jeremy Griggs and two current students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents Daniel and Phillip Chipping They sang three songs including a touching rendition of Kurt Bestor's Prayer of the Children Peter Breinholt and his band Big Parade started off with an upbeat song that brought the audience to their feet Crowd control sent the audience back to their seats However Breinholt later clarified people could dance as long they did not dance too close to the stage He also said anyone who I wanted to move and sit closer on the ground in front of the stage could as long as they did not mind the puddles Ryan Shupe joined the excitement excitement excitement excite excite- ment and sang several several several sev sev- eral funny and entertaining songs He sang a song about year two-year-old nephew who had a serious attitude Another of Shupe's songs was Sin Repellant Later Nancy Hanson one of good friends came out to sing with them The band members that night were a combination of musicians from several bands including Wally Barnum on bass Rory Carrera on percussion and David Tolk on key key- board Tolk performed a piano solo Stories in the Sky from his album When the band took a break audience audience audience audi audi- ence members were yelling out a request for Breinholt and Hanson to I Despite the cold weather and the rain from earlier in the day over people showed up do Steve Earls Earl's Fearless Heart Hanson sang her song Bitsy Busy a song relating her ex- ex boyfriend to a spider spider spider spi spi- spi- spi der who she has killed and left on the wall to remind her of him After many other songs the performers performers performers per per- formers received a standing ovation Their encore con con- of the Beatles song You Cant Can't Y YDo Do That and Breinholt's Edwins Edwin's s Tale Breinholt was raised in Salt Lake He has been singing for seven years and is isone one of the hottest local artists S 1 4 L Y ii i in n t j r Photo courtesy Peter Breinholt performed at on Friday night Breinholt has two CDs out Peter Breinholt and the Big Parade and Heartland and is working on his third He has sold over albums Hanson Shupe and Tolk also have albums out Breinholt and Hanson will be behaving behaving behaving having another charity concert on October 24 at Kingsberry Hall This concert will benefit HART a humanitarian humanitarian humanitarian human human- group who sends medical and other help to people in Ghana Africa u J |