Show Editors Editor's Box The Salt Lake Community Horizon newspaper is a Student of Summer Summer Summer Sum Sum- newspaper published weekly except mer quarter examination week and holiday vacations Letters to th the Editor expressing points of view or difference of opinion are encouraged The Publications Vice President Horizons Horizon's editors and the Publications Council reserve the right to discuss with the writer any letters or articles submitted to to the h Horizon moreover they reserve the right to refuse any letters or articles that are libelous defamatory or obscene Letters the to-the editor can be deposited in any of the suggestion boxes located in all buildings on campus either by byus byuse byuse us use of cards card or a folded sheet of paper Letters c can n be e mailed to the Horizon or brought to the Horizons Horizon's Horizons Horizon's office in inthe Inthe inthe the CC room Opinions expressed in the Horizon reflects only those of the writers Editorials written by the editors or specifically assigned assigned assigned as as- signed editorials to newspaper staff writers staff writers or journalism students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents reflect the opinions of the Horizon Writings are not to tobe tobe tobe be construed as opinions of faculty or staff unless submitted by them Executive Vice President Publications Rick Weeks Managing Editor Dan Metcalf Associate Editor Sta Staci Washington Layout Editor Stephanie Advertising Editor Joan Smith Copy Editor Janice Blackham Sports Editor e t. t Kyle Spencer Feature Editor Lisa Keene e 0 i tf f is I r- r rr r u f 4 i I. I i is iJ i 0 III 7 |