Show Campus Crime May 4 IlAt At the mens men's locker room at three different students reported money and shorts missing from their lockers Apparently Apparently Apparently Ap Ap- Ap- Ap the lockers had bad been pried open and total value missing was IA A A student left her purse ona on ona a chair on the second floor of the College Center while she filled out paperwork When she had returned her wallet containing containing containing con con- a credit card a 30 money order and 5 was miss miss- ing May 9 A A male stu student ent placed his pants in an empty locker in the themen's themen's themen's mens men's locker room at pm p.m. in the AD building When he returned his pants containing his wallet car keys and identifIcation identification identification iden iden- cards were missing May 10 uIn In In Lot K at Redwood campus campus campus cam cam- pus a side window on a 1987 Plymouth was found shattered The incident was reported at 8 06 pm p.m. and there are suspicions that a rock tossed by A P a passing vehicle was the cause There were no other damages and and the value of the window was May 11 IIA A person being pulled over overby overby overby by an officer was charged with having improper plates in Lot N. N The car was spotted because a passenger was sitting on the top part of the back seat in a convertible The proper plates of the vehicle had been expired however the car was not impounded May 13 In In Lot 7 at a Road- Road Master mountain bike was reported stolen at 2 pm p.m. After the theft the original bike lock was still locked to the bike rack Total value of the bike was At At pm p.m. at a student reported that her sunroof sunroof sunroof sun sun- roof had been shattered with no suspects The sunroof f was valued at May 14 A A car that was parked in alot alot a alot lot at had expired plates The plates had expired in March of 1993 May 17 UA A A vehicle in lot G at Red Red- wood campus was making malting an improper improper improper im im- im- im proper l left ft hand turn at 1 20 pm p.m. and hit another oncoming car Damages were Two vo vehicles both equally at fault were driving in the Institute Institute Institute In In- lot to the left of the center center center cen cen- ter line After the cars had collided collided collided col col- damages were toone toone to toone one car and to the other RAt At At pm p.m. a mentally retarded man was roaming the second floor women's lock- lock at A A visitor reported that a motorcycle parked on 2025 West had expired plates and the car was later impounded The owner of the vehicle was also cited for unsafe vehicle no in insurance insurance insurance in- in and no motorcycle license May 19 An An accident occurring on South caused more than worth of damages A car made an improper left hand turn in front of oncoming traffic IA A A female student had left lefther lefther lefther her purse in the back of her car carand carand carand and covered it with a blanket When she returned somebody dy had pried open the locked door and had taken her purse and stereo Total value of missing items was x |