Show 1 3 y a i a aID ID p i a f u lit k L 1 t j f rY 4 r- r R L k ki S r i Attorney Ron addresses friends at Nazi anti rally Students question 0 family values John Williams CPS E ECONOMY CONOMY and the state of higher education are important important tant ant to college and ani university students but bur family values is another h hot button issue in the the presidential campaign campaign campaign cam cam- that has provoked heated discussion on campuses There here are m many issues within that t term rm th that t affects affect s students students' dents dents' lives said Stacey Leyton president of the United ww s States S Student n Association n. jl rut f l J Many ar are returning students trying to support their families by fin finishing shi g their education i. i You will find single mothers and single fath fathers r returning ing to school They must have access to bettering themselves and their families iS families s tuition tuition tuition tui tui- tion goes up child care is cut and programs are reduced Neither political party has succinctly been able to explain what is meant by f family mily values in a time where single-parent single households single and divorced people and gay and lesbian parents and other groups challenge the concept of what defines a t traditional American family Jamie Harmon Harmo president of College Democrats said the expression family values is difficult to define Harmon explained explained explained ex ex- it as an idea of traditional morality Especially for young people family values is about the economy Its It's hard to have family values when you dont don't have a home Harmon said that Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton and his running mate Sen Al AI Gore believe their party upholds the idea that a family is something inclusive not ex ex- ex- ex It means loving your family no matter what Student newspapers hold varying opinions on family values People rub shoulders with the wrong of the world so much that they're callused Homosexuality ty is wrong Heterosexuals having sex outside of marriage is wrong Doing drugs is wrong Weve We've must stop hiding ourselves in our own closets Weve We've got to come out face the world and call sin sin SIM Someone h has s to stick us with a pin and wake us from our slumber We Weve We've got to rub our eyes and see the world for what it really is and then do something about it Weve We've got to stop accepting things the way they are stop tolerating wrong said The Daily Nebraskan The University of Nebraska On the other side The Daily Lobo of the University of New Mexico printed this this' editorial Who let Dan Quayle off his issue government-issue leash Who appointed him moral custodian custodian cus cus- of our country or common people His speech writers have him spouting the common morals thing again First h he attacked unwed mothers Its It's worth noting that unwed is isone isone isone one of the most value-packed value words ever thought up to describe the state of being single Do they ever say unwed fathers No sex education in schools he says to the moral majority minds Never mind that AIDS IDS AIDS that's that Democratic disease isn't it kills it-kills kills and that hat sexually transmitted transmitted transmitted trans trans- diseases are all over the place while the education to combat them isn't he says Homosexuals shouldn't be parents he coos and you know w this homosexuality stuff is all alla a matter of choice anyway like whether you'll have toast or tortillas for breakfast i 1 |