Show Graduation doesn't always equal success Jon Morrison Staff staf Writer is traditionally the time when students G GRADUATION celebrate the completion of their education and the beginning of their respective careers However in these hard economic times graduation may mean leaving the financial hardship of college life for the bleak world of employment prospects No longer does a college degree guarantee a job in the desired field More and more college graduates are competing i ifor for fewer and fewer jobs Graduation from college these days means leaving the go-cart go track for the Indy and the competition competition com com- petition for grades for the competition for a paycheck Many students used to have level entry-level jobs before they graduated Now they wonder how long after graduation they will have to wait for a job iob offer Accord According ng to CBS news the class of 92 faces the worst job market since World War II and 47 0 of major US U.S. companies i iare are hiring few if any graduates Companies are looking less at I diplomas and more at people In other words a diploma might help get a foot in the door but the graduate will have to todo todo do the rest Having connections doesn't hurt either As America becomes more a part of the world order the I employment prospects will become harder to come by However However However How How- I ever the jobs are there for those who are willing to work for them to put the effort into finding the job instead of waiting for it to come to them Those who go out pound the pavement and do the interviews interviews interviews inter inter- views rather than make up a neat resume and hope it impresses ses prospective employers will get the jobs Those willing to accept an internship read work free while attending school or get a relationship going with people in their field or accept a lesser job in that field will add to their chances Taking a lesser job now may pay payoff off in experience later I feel students should be proud of graduating the ac accomplishment accomplishment accomplishment ac- ac of completing their educations but they but they should not fill themselves with the belief that a diploma is a ajob ajob ajob job guarantee slip I think students should learn more about the real world in college than how to type a a good resume r t I I I s I |