Show Pets suffer in subfreezing temperatures kJ i Many neglected animals brought to animal shelter during winter months months months- Jonathan D. D Kline Staff Writer OME are homeless and SOME forgotten others abused lonely and suffering left to todie todie todie die miserable painful deaths Its It's not the homeless people that is at issue here but your dogs and cats Many people often consider consider consider con con- sider these animals as their property according to Katherine Brant Director of Development at the Humane Society of Utah Brant said some of the pet owners feel they can treat their animals any way they see fit and many do The United States Weather Bureau has forecast periods of extreme cold weather for our area Animals left to endure these conditions without proper protection will not survive Brant said there is isa isa isa a misconception that an animals animal's fur is enough protection from the ele ele- ments She said that would be like a person wearing a sweater and staying outside in these sub-freezing sub temperatures for 24 hours You simply would not do it Under the present legal system an owner cannot be charged with criminal negligence However if House minority leader Frank bills pass passin in the upcoming legislative session that could change The bill would amend the current cruelty law to add the words criminal negligence He said that the new law would allow common common com mon sense to dictate whether the owner was criminally The Humane Society of Utah has issued some basic cautions for weather cold-weather animal care Animals who spend much time outdoors must have shelter Cats and dogs must have snug well insulated houses Animals need extra calories in the winter and must have access access access ac ac- ac- ac cess to drinkable water at atall atall atall all times Any injuries must be treated immediately Brant said that for the month of December alone there were more than 37 i I 1 Yr I r s I 6 Cy I IC II I J C 0 M f W k J t Q y a Maw g r I w W iw i- i w animal abuse complaints of which 78 percent came from Salt Lake County Dont Don't let an animal needlessly suffer Remember pets feel feet the cold too |