Show Cat ie 9 ue S Ad ti imf R Stow o e o Tile The 9 t tp Oi Ob f 13 tt J W WAHINGTON October 4 r. r The racial background of a qualified applicant is a relevant relevant relevant rele rele- vant criterion that should be considered in deciding who is admitted to graduate and professional schools according according according ac ac- cording to a report released today by the Carnegie Council Council Council Coun Coun- cil on Policy Studies in Higher High High- er Education At a press conference in Washington Dr Clark Kerr chairman of the Council and Dr William W. W Turnbull president of the Educational Testing Service ETS released released released re- re leased a page study called called called call call- ed Selective Admissions in Higher Education The report report report re re- re- re port consists of two studies of selective admissions prepared ed by ETS at the request of the Carnegie Council and the Councils Council's own recommendations recommendations recommendations for dealing with the issue of so-called so reverse discrimination raised by byThe byThe byThe The Regents of the University University University sity of California v. v Allan Bakke currently before the Supreme Court of the United States The report identifies as the central issue the problem problem lem Jem of balancing considerations considerations considerations of individual and group equity a problem involving difficult value choices The Council an activity of the Carnegie Foundation for forthe forthe forthe the Advancement of Teaching Teaching Teaching Teach Teach- ing has examined public and academic policy which affects affects affects af af- graduate school admissions admissions admissions and has outlined broad boundaries within which we believe lie many acceptable courses of action for institutions of higher education education education ed ed- ed- ed which meet the tests of constitutionality respect respect res res- res- res p ct individual rights recognize recognize recognize rec rec- rec- rec pressing societal obligations obligations obligations to put an end to racial discrimination and promote the institutions educational ends The report strongly supports supports supports sup sup- ports affirmative action programs programs programs pro pro- grams noting that when groups that have suffered discrimination are heavily und underrepresented e ted in il the privileged privileged privileged roles roles' resulting from selectivity in higher education education education tion there are grounds for making II special efforts to find prepare and admit qualified qualified qualified individuals from such groups However a distinction distinction distinction dis dis- dis- dis between en quotas and goals in affirmative action is clearly and carefully drawn Goals should be established against which progress can be measured the Council recommends but no numerical cal quotas should be set The Council proposes a two-step two procedure for admissions admissions admissions ad ad- missions decisions The first task is to determine which applicants meet a minimum standard of the lowest level at which there is a reasonable chance of success in completing the course work without reduction reduction reduction tion in academic or professional professional professional standards This standard standard standard stan stan- dard should be applied uniformly uniformly uniformly uni uni- uni- uni to all applicants regardless regardless regardless re re- re- re of race sex or minority minority minority min min- status The second step selecting from the pool of qualified ap ap- ap- ap should be an extremely extremely extremely ex ex- careful procedure in which the institutions institution's faculty faculty faculty ty has extensive involve involve- ment The racial or other minority experiences of an applicant should be considered consider consider- ed a relevant criterion at this stage of selection the Council Council Council Coun Coun- cil stresses along with traditional traditional traditional tra tra- tra- tra criteria for admissions admissions admissions such as prior scholastic gr grades des and test scores special special special cial personal characteristics or special talents abilities interests or skills Race or background should be considered considered considered con con- in individual cases where it a reflects prior adverse adverse adverse ad ad- verse discrimination b contributes to prior educational educational educational disadvantage c involves involves involves in in- direct knowledge of specific cultural pa patterns or experiences or d indicates along with other evidence the probability of subsequent provision of specially needed services to society All applicants applicants applicants cants should be processed through the same set of procedures procedures pro pro- procedures to assure that each person is evaluated on his or her own merits Schools should be given maximum latitude in exercising exercising exercising exer exer- their judgment about the admission of individual students the Council emphasizes sizes The judgment of courts legislatures or government government government gov gov- officials should not replace professional judgment judgment judgment judg judg- ment except when clearly required required required re re- re- re by the public interest The two ETS reports upon which the Councils Council's recommendations recommendations recommendations are based are The Pursuit of Fairness in Admission to Higher Education Education Education tion by Dr Winton H. H Manning Manning Manning Man Man- ning a careful sophisticated analysis of the issues surrounding surrounding surrounding sur sur- rounding the problem and The Status of Selective Admissions Admissions Admissions Ad Ad- missions by Drs Warren W. W Willingham and Hunter M. M Breland the most complete complete complete com com- summary to date of the available facts and statistics statistics statistics statis statis- tics about selective Copies of an page eight-page summary of the report are available from the Council and copies of the full report will be available in Oct mid ober from Jossey-Bass Jossey Inc San Francisco Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education 2150 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley California |