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L l The Senate I t o rr 11 v U cc f 1 S f l. l il f k p 0 1 it 1 J r rr 1 a 1 j r rJ I 1 T i 1 4 oh AL 1416 tj t TV p r t f. f j l Jt i f r At an Institution of Hir Hire Learning many things happen that few people hear about or is it that few people care about The theme for today seems to be You Cant Can't Sayi We Didn't Tell You So read carefully because Im I'm gonna tell ya all about the Student Senate what it is what we hope to accomplish accomplish accomplish and nd what will happen if the Senate fails to do its appointed appoint appoint- ed duties dulies Th The Student Senate is made up of at least one student from each Division ion Graphic Arts Business Auto Repair etc and the Executive Vice-President Vice of the Student Body who acts as the leader organizer and president nt of the Senate The Senate meets about once a week more me meetings tings can be called if ne necessary essary The purpose of the Senate is to attempt and I said attempt because a lot of things get wrapped up in r red tape to bring about changes for the good of the students u. u In the past as better and more efficient operation of the student government by the writing re-writing of the SL Associated Students of Utah Technical College at Salt Lake constitution An attempt was also made to get a traffic signal installed on Redwood Road and South on the north end of th sto to in the rush of and off the the ca campus help cars on campus at peak traffic h hours urs I have been told that the light was approved approved approved ap ap- ap- ap proved and is supposed to be installed soon however I will believe it when I stop at it Some thought was given to doing away with Advisor approval of your class schedule when you register each quarter There have been many other Senate bills worked on in the past The future I hope will bring an up-dated up rewritten constitution constitution constitution of I also would like to see a supported self-supported stu student e news newspaper per by py the he selling of advertisements which JT Would free several hundred dollars that could be spent on entertainment or some facility that both faculty and students co could ld use free of r If R th the Senate for any reason does not get student support it itY Y t will b be disbanded ed possibly forever and the committee k system will ill be started The Committee System will work like a S Senate nafe iri ri that that that-th they Would do dothe things students felt needed to tobe be bedone done The Committee e would consist of approximately four students and the Executive Vice-President Vice of the Student B Body y The students would be picked according to their will- will i 1 o fa r. r 4 t r. f r. r 1 m mr- mr mr d 1 W w mw T Tom Kt yf w ve UP JP Get Gel H e i 1 f i Get Gel N F II 1 M 9 Mow rL Ci yu u w Cont and dedication to work for the students of When the task they set out to do is accomplished or is determined to tobe tobe tobe be impossible to achieve the Committee would then be disbanded and a new one started next time something arose As a hypothetical example suppose the students of the Metals Building wanted a better selection of vending machines they asked the teachers who asked the Division Head who asked the high man on the totem pole and the answer came back What you have now is very adequate The students would then with the help of a Committee set et up a proposal and work with the people in charge to try to get the machines which they want installed The committee system might turn out to be better than the senate but you must remember the people in high places have more respect for an organized senate than they would for a group of students bonded together for a single purpose The Senate and the Executive Council can function and function well but not without full percent participation tion in the Senate and school activities Another point to bring to your attention is that people high in authority may do away with student government as it exists now This is the Executive Executive Executive Exec Exec- Councils Council's trial year If we are successful st student dent government government government gov gov- will continue as it is If not some other method will be tried Please feel free to visit us in the Student Body Offices in the College Center and also feel free to visit any of the Executive Council Meetings and Senate Meetings All of these meetings are OPEN so anyone can watch and listen to what transpires I encourage everyone to get involved and participate by running for Senator and becoming active in student activities unwind and have some fun after your classes are over for the day Please let us know your ideas on what you would like to do doand doand doand and have done around Campus If you dont don't tell us what you want we can only guess at what your desires may be For Information on the ADDI v APPLY unu NOW Student Senate contact Tom Mayhew Executive ELECTIONS NOVEMBER Vice-President Vice in the i College Center 1 AW HH u |