Show 1 II t e vie I 4 oR y r JOINS JERRY r 1 A A A c ij C by Lynne Michelson W VP V.P. of Student I. I Activities Did you know that sponsored a hour 24 tennis marathon at Liberty Park to raise money for muscular dystrophy Did you know that was the ONLY college in Utah that donated money to this cause Did you know that we raised The marathon was under the direction of LaRayne Olson Olson Olson Ol Ol- son our own Public Relations Relations Relations Rela Rela- lady It was also her idea for to sponsor the marathon Many tha thanks to those who helped to make the marathon so successful including all of the following The tennis players who were exhausted after 24 hours of playing time-La- time Rayne Olsen Chris Wentworth Wentworth Wentworth Went- Went worth Hilary Nixon Mike Stice Slice and Dennis and Claudia Claudia Claudia Clau Clau- dia didn't catch the last names The sign painters-Cherie painters Mathews Cindy Charlie Johnson Chris Wentworth Wentworth Wentworth Went- Went worth Lynne Michelson To those who came down to give everyone moral support throughout through ut the night-Cherie night Mathews Cindy Jeannine Anderson and family family family fam fam- ily Sally and family Linda Hodges And again thanks to Cherie for keeping everyone fed throughout the 24 h hours urs It was all fun and worth it to help Jerrys Jerry's kids A total success Right Rig OK OHI zt jH 4 |