Show I r Yes now has its own Drama Club Every Tuesday at in inthe inthe inthe the Tech Building Auditorium Want a little class in your life Want to know people Want to be known Do your friends say youre you're a character Whatever your reason we want you Come on over and develop your talents Help us get started and find yourself in the new Drama Club Sign up at the College Center or contact Norm Jacobs at ASU T C NEWS r i YOUR GOVERNMENT 2500 an hour That's how much well we'll pay you if youve you've got a t talent lent andare andare and andare are willing to share it with us Whether youre you're a musician magician singer or mime know someone and if you could use some extra cash please contact Lynne Michelson in the student body offices in the College Center Shell She'll explain how it all works JAMES LARSON is our new few Film Chairman this year and SANDY CULVER is our Film Chairman We are now in the process of putting together our Halloween Festival All clubs and anyone interested in getting involved involve and serving on the dance committee please contact L. L M. M or L. L 0 o. in inthe inthe inthe the student body offices at the College Center r SLAP HAPPY BE A PART OF THE PLANNING AND PRODUCTION OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES INVOLVE YOURSELF IN THE FUN OF OF STUDENT GOVERNMENT ATTEND MOVIES FREE AND OTHER BENEFITS MEET NEW PEOPLE For more information about SLAP Student Leaders for or Activities and Publicity please contact LaRayne Olson or Lynne Michelson in the College Center offices or stop by and leave your name and phone number SLAP needs YOU 1 1 I III II I I I Please detach and drop by the College Center Offices I I I 1 I I 1 S Did you like the rock hard-rock band KRA KRAYNC that played here her on on t I IS I II I Tuesday Sept outside the College Center I I V ii- ii i I 1 ta r YES YES' D 0 NO D D 0 f r lor i ir c I 3 I t 1 WHY 1 1 j Did you like the versatile rock band Sf that played I I Friday Sept 30 in the College Center r i J. J f u f. f r I. I O D NO D 0 t l' l h I I YES t r L h ry OS tr J t 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 Jj t WHY I r V u V i f oI 1 I t t. t V 1 1 11 1 0 g. g a aI t J J 4 r J r v J J I What activities would you you like k to see t sch school ol I I r H r r. r It I I j I r- r 17 J r. r IJ I J. J I V u AI ow I. I i oJ |