Show T I I r c 1 t. t The Illusion of Po Pornography b by John Ar Arnaz az Unfortunately the m masses are ignorant People e are quick to concur or condemn that which they really know very little of If you were to ask someone How do you feel about pornography you would most likely hear one of two answers One I believe I have the right to see what I want Im not hurting anyone If I want to pay to see a movie of my choice my constitutional rights cannot be violated one No forces other people to see the movie If they dont don't like it dont don't see it Two It has no artistic value You have to be some kind of wanting to see all that junk Its morally destructive to the people and sh should uld be o outlawed Basically what w we have IS is either pro or c con n. n When you concise find right and its con the two answers you pro its my morally destructive Both of these answers cannot but validate the fact the masses are ignorant Obviously pornography presents problems asserted statements are not answers When people say Its my right do they really understand all the facets pornography es Pornography is not just sexually arousing movies illustrated books or literature but orgy kits erotic tape cassettes and eight track cartridges aphrodisiacs wrist and ankle restraints dog leashes slave collars training paddles leather masks whips chains needles mouth gags like human-like dolls male and female little children to adult models love bands was wa's numerous devices for auto and sexual grat gratification home movies illustrated books magazines and literature dealing with sadism incest necrophilia ne- ne voyeurism homosexuality lesbianism lesbianism lesbianism les les- les- les bi sodomy fetishes rape and numerous other deviations not literally decent to pursue You dont don't know what all these words mean You dont don't know what all the stated paraphernalia is or how it is used Its your right Anyone wishing to know their right as far as pornography should attend a sex-crime sex seminar given to Police Officers Your right will make you sick Morally destructive Sigmund Freud in his statement writings The Future of an Illusion stated There are countless civilized people who would shrink from murder or incest but who do not deny themselves the satisfaction of their avarice their aggressive urges or their sexual lusts and who do not hesitate to injure other people by lies fraud and calumny so long as they can remain unpunished for it and this no doubt has always always' been so through many ages of civili civili- Pornography and pornography alone attributes to civilizations civilization's moral destruction The escape goat may it be presented Our laws of adultery fornication and sodomy obviously apply to those few who obey them Are the people fighting pornography or their own sexually repressed frustrations Most of these people dont don't even know what they're protesting The moral demands of civilization has confined them into a society based on morals Pr President F Ford rd r refused fused to give Play Boy magazine a campaign interview He did not believe a moral government should campaign through a sala salacious ious magazine The question arises who cares how moral was watergate water- water watergate watergate gate Apparently our moral oral government does not think pornography is too un-moral un or destructive Movie houses are still open for business as usual magazine stands are still selling our United States Postal Department through rain snow mud or sleet is still delivering in plain brown wrappers and prostitution continues with flimsy laws to enforce otherwise In many states hard core pornography is perfectly perfectly perfectly per per- legal How many people do we see protesting in front of State liquor stores Is not alcohol morally destructive Does not alcohol attribute to thousands of deaths each year Is not alcoholism a disease Does not alcohol cause misery within thousands of family units How many crimes against l life e and property are alcohol related What lessons should have been learned when prohibition and warnings on cigarettes were implemented How do you feel about pornography What is the price of tea in China I u aH Ao 4 1 s i aSeY r How important is a student publication to us as students of In my opinion we cannot be a student body with elected leaders to represent us and a constitution to govern us without some means of expressing our our- selves A student newspaper can be one of the most useful tools we can have and use There is no better way for the officers we elect to reach to the majority of the student body with their ideas and plans than by way of their contributions to the paper In turn there is no better way for us as students to respond to their ideas and plans than with letters to the editor The newspaper can be useful to us in many other ways It can serve to unite the d different ferent departments departments departments de de- de- de on campus by letting you in on what's happening in each one Advertising is another way you can be better informed on what's happening in each one Advertising is another way you youcan youcan youcan can be better informed on what's taking place on campus and the newspaper is a reliable and insured insured insured in in- source of advertising Some people have asked me if it isn't all a lot of work just to litter up the campus with a newspaper newspaper newspaper news news- paper people are going to ignore ignore ignore ig ig- ig- ig nore but that's where our challenge challenge challenge chal chal- lenge lies If we can produce a paper that is both informative and entertaining then a certain fraction of the students will read it and we have accomplished the goal we have set to achieve We appreciate the letters to the editor we have received so far and can use all the help any students have to offer in the future We still need people to form the Points West staff for next year so if you can spare the time we really need the help Paul Smith Editor I Ah if you haven't died of shock here is another one Figured we better do another issue so the first one wouldn't seem like an accident Whew some of those forum statements were a bit feisty but as always we welcome any and all comments from you whose paper this is if it seems relevant enough to trouble you into writing Believe it or not Id I'd like to see a few commenting on the things they dig whatever Id I'd like to thank all those people who cared enough to see a job done successfully and who pitched in their bit to this publication Believe it or not some care Ive I've even got a good deal of cooperation from the official folks over in the Administration Building Most all of them are quite pleasant and eager to help the student cause as much as feasible I know we have had and will have problems in the future they're administration were we're ere students its it's inevitable right Now Im I'm certain a lot of you would say that and begin to tear at the administration administration administration adminis adminis- because of all your problems and ills because they are the logical ones to point your innocent little fingers at Well I have been running around looking out for all our welfare as far as our intercommunication intercommunication intercom intercom- m- m is concerned and have seen and had a lot of problems Bet you cant can't guess who came to help Sure wasn't the students at least not as a whole I still have a staff way under 10 and arid every damn time I need something typed for your paper I gotta con secretaries or your new student body officers or my mother Yeah a kind hearted lady who knows we need a paper she hears me bitch enough so she helps I get my stories from either alumni or current faculty and my assistant on out lay-out was a carpenter buddy from ASU You get at least some of the point Without much trouble you as a student body sure can come across like apathetic dolts or maybe inmates to be led around sometimes Last issue we got on faculty etc even your past years year's student That was totally because we felt it needed bettin on well it seems someone's got to get on someone's case before we totally lose what respect we as a student body may have left What am I gettin at spec specifically Just this Go out and ask a afew afew afew few people of ind industry stry or government or other secondary colleges about the STUDENT IMAGE If you can catch them candidly you will hear yourself referred to as as or KLUTZ or LAST CHANCE INCORRIGIBLES or even DUMPSTER FILLER Well damn it this has gone on long enough It is time to get off our asses and speak to be heard And if we dont don't get listened to we SPEAK LOUDER and LOUDER and continue to thrash around until we do get heard No one is any conversation Im I'm apart apart of of if he heis is tearing at this school or its student body of without defending his point You dont don't put up with calculus or physics or most theory classes or secretarial or bookkeeping classes and come out any dolt in fact you dont don't get past day one if your are a dolt OKAY OKAY a point This campus has a student body that is unique We have gathered from all parts of the planet all walks of l life e and come here to learn and secure a useful education Were We're not here here- floundering in a total general ed course for 4 years and then declaring history for our major We are more spec specific ic and have usually decided on this course of action intelligently and not as a last ditch effort So why in hell wont won't we help ourselves as a student body Why do we let administrators do it all Why in hell wont won't we give a damn when it so obviously effects everything we are now doing and will do in the future What's it conna Gonna take people When are you going to realize that here youre you're already expected to be potty Is somebody gonna have to get you so d damn mn mad that you'd like to lynch em bet that's get ya together You gotta get off your asses You gotta dig out and get it on and get heard Get your ideas and input to u us as a government Get them to you advisors use your political muscle both in and out of this school Get on that political legislature ture and get the governance issue settled well we'll talk this one over later Get on the varsity sports issue and get it settled the way YOU want Get on the entertainment problem and help those who work for you smokers get on the smoking issue get yourselves together people and for your sakes get HEARD Enough you need to be bitched at as a whole I feel so I did it Oh well my head will go on auction tomorrow at 1130 in the cafeteria I really want to see you care I really want to see people FEEL you move Damn you CAN do it ha know Ive I've seen colleges functioning from MAINE to FLORIDA and back and those people take competent competent competent compe compe- tent care of their affairs I know this is UTAH and I know its it's a four letter word and I know that all answers are found in a book and I know the end is near etc Well it dont don't work that way ever And it wont won't work that way and nothings nothing's gonna happen except your scholastic scholastic scho scho- scholastic lastic situation will get worse and here I go again Whew Its It's been raining have you noticed I guess ya had to it was hitting ya in the face Well I say thanks for the water we dearly need it and appreciate it iti I dont don't care if you thank God or Mark Snowbank you ought to show gratitude to someone Happy days are here again no sleep maybe but all kinds of time to todo todo todo do what you want after the final is over GOOD LUCK For those of you who are not coming back congratulations For those of us who envy you well well we'll ell graduate also sooner or later Since the ones I offend will ask I will just justify y all this thusly Im I'm just justan an who has an outlet and will use it to get the feelings across I only pen op opinion nion and even that has been known to change rapidly at times If this got to ya let me know know- at least you ca cared ed about something this year anyway Well We'll see ya out on the grass for DAZE lets let's get it on and get along and have a party See ya then F. F Lee Wilbur VP V.P. Publications 78 77 PS Caution Word is that Big Brothers anti spring cleanup is close at hand The walls have eyes ears |