Show i 0 i me i All AU opinions expressed here are those of the authors and not of this paper or its staff Points West solicits comment from any and all aU of its readership Dear Editor In this letter I am not attempting attempt attempt- ing to attack any part of the system system system tem but I am trying to become more knowledgeable In your last edition of POINTS WEST your interview of Rod Derri Derrick k seemed to ask a lot of questions that there were no answers for I the same as many other students feel that the worth of a teacher should be measured by the product he produces The most important product in this school is the education that we as students come awa away with The amount of schooling whether it be keeping abreast on the job or orin orin orin in the classroom seems quite irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant ir ir- ir- ir relevant if the students are coming coming coming com com- ing away with the needed education education education tion to step into their field The FCC is coming off with the biggest bs line Ime Ive I've personally heard of since starting school here Mr Derricks Derrick's accomplishments accomplish accomplish- ments in his field are very distinguished distinguished dis dis- i and varied ranging from cosmetologist of the year to barber of the year This feat alone shows many years of very intense training Jn In blending these fields he lie has served his Tiis biS- biS students students' to the best and arid most broad ranged training offered in inthis inthis inthis this state I as many other ollier students feel he should be re be r re warded for his time and devotion devotion devotion devo devo- tion to his students FCC whatever you are whoever whoever whoever who who- ever you are let us hear from you If we knew your views or orthe orthe orthe the reasons behind your decision we might have a different out out- look As it is now we feel that you are railroading an asset to this schools school's educational potential potential potential poten poten- and we dont don't like it Burt Howell Dear ed It is is really gr great a t to see a student newspaper that gives the view of the students Reading your paper was an enlightening experience for a change I as many other students had no idea there was a media level for the students I especially enjoyed the theRod theRod theRod Rod Derrick interview and found it very informative More of the problems of this na nature ture should be brought to the attention of the students of this institution Thank you Mr Editor for a job we well l done and we hope to see seemore seemore seemore more of the same Thanks BS b barbering Once upon a time there was a ayoung ayoung ayoung young good looking man who had decided to grow out his hair hair- and beard and attend some sort of educational facility He enrolled enrolled enrolled enrol enrol- led at for a major in Building Construction When he became used to and acquainted with the schedule at the school he quickly grew sarcastic and apathetic to all relations between teaching staff and students Why From an objective point of view view relating and to equal sides of the problem there ere can only be two substantial reasons The first reason being one of common sence shows that the religious priorities set in an educational educational ed- ed educational ed ed- facility such as are really overwhelming Dedication Dedication Dedication Dedi Dedi- cation and devotion to study are only a minor ingredient to receiving receiving receiving re re- re- re any educational benefits benefits benefits bene bene- fits in the state of Utah A pair of garments or talk of family home evening will receive much more praise from instructors than a ajob ajob ajob job well done The second reason would indirectly indirectly indirectly in in- directly stem from the Mormon influence but not on the whole It would take the stand that an establishment establishment establishment es es- es- es such as could at any given time fall fait falt on its face if the students became aware of faculty and staff influence influence influence ence on their behavior If an instructor knows a long longhaired longhaired longhaired haired bearded non member you can bet your next grade point average that he will be influenced influenced influenced in in- by the hair and beard and non member status the individual individual in in- is involved in This is in essence a mockery of all religious religious religious re re- re- re orders not only as a biased and radically prejudiced outlook but-as but an infliction of guilt on all non member stu stu- stu- stu dents I for one can overlook prejudice and bigotry It is the wall of arrogance from the Mormons Mormons Mormons Mor Mor- mons that I cant can't stomach Im I'm not a Mormon but I am an enrolled enrolled enrolled en en- rolled and paid in full just like the Joseph Smith Juniors Juniors Juniors Jun Jun- who parade a attitude and arrogant selfishness s when they learn that YOU SMOKE CIGARETTES I would much rather smoke in public than behind closed doors That kinda says it all huh Mick Miller MillerA A non member student To the Editor I feel that the no smoking rule in the college center game room and also in the library is a very unsocial unrealistic unrealistic unrealistic unreal unreal- law and should be recognized recognized recognized by the rules committee I feel that it is taking away an individuals individual's constitutional rights to say where and when they can smoke if they wish There ought to at least be a designated smoking area within the game room itself Lets Let's be fair about the situation situation situ situ- atio And also in the past and at present there has been a great lack of interest in intramural sports I am interested very much in seeing sports grow in school To get more personal interest in sports they should have a concession stand by the ball field and sell pop hot dogs and beer for people who wish to indulge It would be a good money making making making mak mak- ing project to help support intramural intramural intramural intra intra- mural sports and buy more equipment for better sports It couldn't hurt to try DL D. D L. L Dear Editor I am really tired of the fact that in this school you are actually actual actual- ly graded by your attendance in some classes instead of your scholastic ability Absolutely amazing 1 The purpose of having a system system system tem of grading is to test a persons person's persons person's persons person's per per- sons son's ability to learn and understand understand understand un un- un- un the material given during during during dur dur- ing the course of study not to judge a persons person's scholastic ability ability ability ab ab- ab- ab on h how w many days he or she was in attendance I fail to see the fairness in this system and would like to see a change made The faculty and administration fail to recognize the student as an intellectual responsible being They tend to believe that the student is here merely to put up with all of their whimsical fantasies that they call administration It is time that the students of this school got the education they are paying for not the bucks worth of static they get every quarter Editor I am astounded at some som of the blatant journalistic inaccuracies printed in Points West W. W est May 16 1977 1971 The most outrageous and obvious being the name of o Debbie Debbie Debbie Deb Deb- bie signed above the title Projections Editor That my dear sir simply is not true I would like to reply in rebuttal rebuttal rebuttal rebut rebut- tal to her article entitled ArtistS Artists Artists Ar Writers To begin with Ms knew that PROJECTIONS PROJECTIONS PROJECTIONS PRO PRO- VOL 1 77 1976 was printed and available to the stu- stu I told her so myself by telephone Secondly I greatly resent resent resent re re- re- re sent Ms innuendos and nd allegations about a officer She She is of course in a cowardly fashion referring to Steve Ashby Without Steve PROJECTIONS VOL 1 I let alone and future PROJECTIONS PROJECTIONS PROJECTIONS never would have even gotten off the ground or been more than a dream and an idea He worked hard and did a good job as did all our small dedicated dedicated dedicated dedi dedi- staff Our job was especially especial especial- ly difficult because we were the forerunners and had little support sup sup- support support port or cooperation from outsiders ers we never had a place of our own to work Ms was suggested to us by someone as Literary Editor In reality she Pages Page age 5 did only about 10 of the literary literary literary liter liter- ary work done We found her to tobe tobe be uncooperative heavily biased biased biased bias bias- ed and argumentative My assistant assistant assistant assis assis- tant Crys Briggs and I did the remaining literary work ourselves ourselves ourselves our our- selves which included hand setting setting setting set set- ting every letter of type in the 54 page magazine I think it marvelous that Ms believes she can somehow somehow somehow some some- how put out ou a quality volume of PROJECTIONS every quarter From my experience with her as asher asher asher her Editor I would calculate that her knowledge of design layout up paste-up mechanicals photos printing and working working working work work- ing 18 hours on a holiday to meet meeta a deadline-could deadline all totaled be printed on 72 pt 1 type ype on the tip of a very sharp pin I say Good Luck and God GodSpeed GodSpeed GodSpeed Speed to any and all f future ture volumes of PROJECTIONS That is the reason we did it to begin a tradition and to help improve improve improve im im- prove the schools school's image imag For now I say no one has the right to criticize o our efforts until they have proven they can equal us Because that is designating hundreds hundreds hundreds hun hun- of hours of long hard work done by people who stayed for forthe forthe forthe the real work of PROJECTIONS LONG I might add after Ms had fled the e project Jill A. A Kennedy Editor PROJECTIONS Vol 77 I 1 |