Show o- o 1 I I. I c I oO 1 TIME T I II I E 0 He realized his life was moving far too fast so he left his house and his job sold his car and walked into the desert where nothing ever changes For days and then weeks he walked about slowly or not at all during the day At night he lost himself in the vastness of the starry universe uni uni- uni- uni verse that shone so brightly out there in the desert The weeks melted into a blur of time He knew no need no demand At times he wouldn't eat or drink for forlong forlong forlong long periods he was so absorbed and belittled by bythe bythe bythe the expanding vastness around and above him Soon time slowed to the point where day and night became and the mere act of ta taking ing a breath seemed an eternity Gradually lly almost imperceptibly imperceptibly imperceptibly imper imper- as his mind adjusted to the slowness of his surroundings he began to realize he was being swallowed by the incredibly timelessness of everlasting n g eternity eternity-a ity-a ity a power nothing of heaven or or earth could withstand And so it it- it was that he finally transcended the frailty of hi his earthly exi exist exist- t- t ance and became one with the greatest power known yet not understood by man A power so pervasive as to shape everything in its existence yet so unobtrusive unobtrusive sive ive as to not be seen heard sensed by anything The power of time Rick Williams |