Show J. J l f 1 f if i it- it CLUBS i- i CIRCLE K Kr 4 Crt fY f. f of Circle 1 r The objective f K international is to provide provide pro pro- nn vide college students with witha a means me ns by which those individuals interested in J helping others and being of service in society can J y express this concern DECA Distributive Education Clubs of America DECA encourages individuals individuals individuals indi indi- and group tive and state and national competitions thus helping to develop Future Leaders for Marketing and They plan on attending National Competition Competition Competition Com Com- petition during Spring Quarter Join DECA to to- to day Meetings Tuesday and Thursday 1230 Parlor A OPMA This club was organized for people who have a common interest in Date Processing to exchange thoughts and ideas VICA Vocational Vocational-I Vocational Industrial Clubs of America VICA encourages excellence excellence excellence excel excel- lence in scholarship leadership leadership leadership lea lea- and personal development development development de de- de- de through a National National National Na Na- achievement program program program pro pro- gram and National competitive competitive competitive compe compe- activities They plan on attending National Competitions during the Summer Quarter Classes are scheduled at various times during the day and are conducted at atthe atthe atthe the institute located West of the Student Center RODEO The Rodeo Club competes competes competes com com- petes with other schools on an inter-collegiate inter level in rodeos during the Winter Winter Winter Win Win- ter and Spring Quarters SKI The Ski Club was organized organized organized or or- for the simple pleasure of skiing They are planning on several parties and skiing trips PHI BETA LAMBDA Future Business Leaders of America The purpose of this organization is to provide opportunities for post- post secondary and college students to develop vocational vocational vocational voca voca- competencies for business and office occupations occupations occupations and business teacher education In addition promotes a sense of civi and personal responsibility They attend State and national Competitions Competitions Competitions Com Com- petitions during Spring and Summer Quarters SKY-DIVING SKY This club was organized to introduce students to a aless aless aless less way to get involved in the sport and to offer Skydiving Compe Compe- Do Your Part And Belong |