Show r Travel Lectures t To Run Season Se s n h I t Utah Lectures Lectures h r I Too Run Season r F Lebanon as it once was is h F the thrust of of the opening L travel film lecture sponsored rby by Utah Technical College rat t-at t at Salt Lak Lake L The six films making up L the eleventh season of personally per- per F narrated travel lectures at Utah Tech also in include lude screen creen visits to L. L II China South the South Seas L. L Land Jand and Spain r Season tickets cost 10 per t-per per person with entrance L. L the at the door prices of 2 per person Each lecture is presented on the colleges college's Redwood Road oad campus in inthe inthe inthe the the Calvin L. L Rampton Technology Building auditorium aud and thorium on n the main level F J f. v y-Vl y v lii j. j J tj x The seat lecture area provides comfortable viewing viewing viewing view view- ing and listening Screening Screenings Screenings Screen Screen- ings ing are a e at pm p.m. on the day of performance and last fast approximately i 11 hours The L Lebanon banon program is scheduled for November 2 and the China Today film will be on November 30 Other programs are scheduled January through s 1983 For further information about the travel lecture series series series ser ser- ies please contact the colleges college's colleges college's col col- cot cot- leges lege's public relations office ast South Redwood Road 1 c 1 c f V 4 91 fI t u i |