Show M tid Day for 1967 Yearbook Distribution h 67 edition dit ion p of the tf t rr rf f tP r Trade d WJ Winds ls' ls came camer came r rotting off ff r Loir Loi Coi- Coi lege leg T o p presses presses es 1 Y Wednesday ed with the a announcement l Qu c m j from printing students th that the hard cover t r rj hardcover j j 0 History of he past past- school ol year would distributed Oboth O- O ld e ted Monday at ati atiO b both t c campuses ot V i r 80 students tude have r 1 v either t i aid ii 4 the 4 fee or e l paid Jh j. j e d deposited 2 2 Students t who who have av J not not no paid th the final 2 2 can ti do so soa 0 I a at aj- either ca' ca campus camps capus pus pus- with Z Zelpha Zelphat handling Main Campus s sop op operation i i n. n and nd Lav Laverne rne Dalton alton t taking JEg Downtown It Campus p py pay payments y- y ments k y A limited nun number ber of year- year will books 1 will be 1 av availably available forat for far latecomers later late comers com s though these hese will be 1 e sold soldon soldon on a firs first first come come serve first 4 basis This hard rw- rw c coy ver L r 0 book o o 0 k k o 0 of f J m memories W u r be besold gold old old- at at- the there there- re- re c i n desk m in- in n the lie b Main in ii ff tJ Bh Building Campus Campus' s t Build d i ing g and mam 4 the the- n main office of f- f fhe the he Do Downtown t wn campus campus mp s. s o. o i j 4 Students must sign for each issue e.- e. Theme for this years year's edition is is is On ti The The- The Move with several several tr cr pictures l recording the history- history making move from the campus Ito to the picturesque facility at Taylorsville South Redwood Redwood Red- Red wood Road to P Pictures s of the new v Administration Adminis Adminis- B Building the Metals b Building and the Automotive r Trades Building are included in n the bla black k and V nd yellow production product production t tion oI f which has r recorded corded many of the memories of Utah Tech Individual pictures of the administrative staff instructor staff and nd many of the other interesting ins interesting in- in e. s t r sting school personnel who have made your year at Utah Tech a successful one This years year's edition of Trade Winds is a product of UT Cs C's printing g classes 1 The production was vas done on offset presses presses under direction of oJ instructors Gordon Weight Dale Gibson and Walt White Art Art- Artwork i. i work for the page v publication was was done by prof professional professional pro pro- f c co comme om m m e r r c cia i a I 1 artist Joel Joek Izatt printing Pre prep- prep par tion ion was yas overseen overseen by the publications committee with the finishing touches applied by printing inting p students The hard cover of the book f was Yas y done outside the sc school This years year's is the first y yearbook to be bound in hard cover Several pages are devoted to advertising I r vf r N r yv rf x will J r t r Y rrb y r v f K y t n fr R Rv t CY W L q ris f K h N i k 0 X N. N iR rl 4 tT Y cr x i y r Shri SY Yr r f i r lf fi i i if rr f jf l Y r t A i ss i v fi r r. r L n f q ry f alf r 3 v j r l f y C ty q f r C try t j x Y rr Y Sk Y y r y r J. J S l fr h fR Q y N Y 1 t r i ti r. r Y iY iJ Y rs f r L r l if r r. r l v 4 50 w V l i i f r lj yv Utah Technical College President Jay L. L Nelson welcomes a crowd to dedication ceremonies in the Administration last week Sharing stand with him hint are Governor Calvin CalvinL L R Advisory Committee Chairman Thomas Thomas' J. J Hubbard and Sheldon Allred cf chairman lirman of the State Board for Vocational Education hA t f At k Y y err Y if v rr tr t k ki M f Y t 7 war j jY irv r ft s v r f rr l vL f Y r. r f f r Av y t ALV ri ry ri rrt t 1 v 5 J v J SK o 4 f Air i r f 4 a S SQ t. t I 0 I A A- A r p. p Printing students Printing students Sherrie left Elsa Archuletta and Larry Konishi outline plans for California trip printing students take the first part of June The trip includes several industrial industrial industrial indus indus- trial tours throughout the southwest |