Show Administration Building wilding Dedication j t Governor Calvin L. L Rampton des describing g himself as a person who vho has has has' been associated with this school as long iong as anyone said there is a crying need for the kind of of skilled workers yorkers produced at Utah Technical College The govenor spoke last Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day at dedication ceremonies es for the he Administration Building He said his association with ith the school began in 1947 when he was vas working as an assistant to the states state's attorney generalI general I Ivas was vas given the assignment to negotiate the purchase of a building for the school he said adding It must have been a pretty good deal He was vas referring to earlier statement by President t Jay L. L Nelson that the downtown campus campus cam cam- pu pus was w Bought for slightly over r t 1 and is isnow now worth more r Vj J million than ban a a. a 1 Utah has a crying need for 11 J skilled workers and a crying 1 j need for institutions that can 1 a train them for these skills skills- the J gov governor said Dr T. T H. H B Bell ll state superintendent superintendent super super- of public instruction said full time enrollment at atU U Utah Uta t a h Technical College may j someday reach to I I l |