Show N V mt KE 4 4 7 A A W 4 im not much for balance sheets and double entry ledgers but I 1 know this much about bookkeeping at the end of tho the year when mines mills and smelters shelters sm elters show a profit good for me it means steady employment and its is good for everyone in utah too because a profitable mining industry helps business in in every par part t of the state NG A SSI V N WESTERN MINE SUPPLY CO monticello utah the complete miners supply 9 electric acetylene welding all types mining supplies parts manufactured complete steel conversion new used rock drills W al S rock bit specialized mining equipment it is not our intention to be UNDER SOLD on t tam ift RM TIRES STOP IN AT OUR STATION TODAY AND LET US GIVE YOU A PRICE ON ONE TIRE OR A k COMPLETE SET FOR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK 7 we mount tires on your wheels at no additional cost PAULS SERVICE monticello utah f tm FOR SALE business and residence two buildings on upwards of two acres between the milburn and tanner bean warehouses immediate possession priced right in dove creek a modern dwelling fully financed with GI loan am A expecting as soon as sno snow 1 v leaves a farm loan appraiser here to pass out quite a number of farm loan applications if you need a loan see me soon so you can get your application pl ic aaion passed on promptly now own the insurance agency formerly operated by william an and d noel thompson have had many years experience in handling all kinds of insurance su my plans are to make this a service agency to give prompt and proper attention to all insurance entrusted to me W A thompson licensed REAL ESTATE BROKER in ih both UTAH and COLORADO office in empire theatre building dove creek colorado A special a I 1 note to all truck and tractor owners I 1 I 1 L 0 carrolton lioom Z co burello 7 1 ale law all makess and tanks may be az e 0 q I 1 I 1 let lei us show you today how much you can permanent tank save by converting to lo LP L P GAS for your truck aruck or tractor fuel youre actually losing money every day youre without it we are completely equipped to install a garretson unit 0 in your tractor or truck factory trained mechanics amas assure you a first class job FREE ESTIMATES EASY TERMS WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU southwestern gas appliance inc the store that stays phone 44 monticello utah |