Show KNOW YOUR HEART SERIES dont rep reproach yourself As causing heat hea eart t aitay attacks ai 9 much remains to be learned about the cause and treatment of coronary thrombosis heart attack but one tb thing ing seems clear from the evidence on hand while the attack in may be ba precipitated by sudden exertion it is 13 nevertheless the result of a process that has been going on for years in the arteries at times patients and members of their families inflict on themselves needless anguish by blaming the unexpected attack on a party the they y attended the night before running ni ng for a bus and similar variations in their routine 6 exertion alone most physicians agree will not cause a blood clot to form in an artery thus inducing thrombosis the clot would not form if the arteries were healthy therefore even without the particular e exercise excise x cited by the inexperienced as the cause the clot would have formed anyway an overwhelming number of case histories show that attacks occur when the patient is resting sleep ing or carrying on his normal routine in office or home to understand why self reproach is unjustified it is helpful to look at the nature of the problem for some 80 30 years the medical profession has known of the existence of a fatty substance called cholesterol that is the main ingredient of deposits that in some manner build up between the inner lining of the arteries and the surrounding diniz roun ing arterial muscle it is believed to be the cause of one form of hardening of the art arteries cries because of these deposits the channels of the arteries are gradually narrowed thus gradually reducing the amount of blood that can pass through this is accompanied by a roughening of the inner wall f forming 0 convenient hooks on which h clots blots can lodge to cause thrombosis at just winch point this will occur no one can foresee for ese e the thickening and roughening of the coronary aitery proceeds ds slow slowly and often without indications the individual can detect many of the symptoms sImp toms commonly believed indicative of a heart attack may be the result of other disorders while the thrombosis may occur in an artery rather quickly it is not really the causative factor that is is 1 it never happens in a healthy artery the real culprit is the thickening and roughening of the arterial walls when the public understands this it will go far toward avoiding the self reproach and blame that may inay occur in in a family when a I 1 heart attack of this type strikes feelings of guilt disrupt the family emotionally and retard the recovery of the patient until medical science advances further in its search for the cause and prevention of no one can tell why the disease should affect one individual and pass by the next several avenues of investigation vesti eftig gation tio a are e ben being e explored red D diet i e hormones heredity e 3 forgotten or ott e I 1 injuries juries an and i other pos possible f factors t or arc unde undergoing I 1 goi I 1 stud study Y P perhaps e h r t the he real 1 I cause I 1 is a combination of the these factors meanwhile the families of those affected should remember that the majority of those stricken recover to resume productive and happy lives it is a serious disease disease t to 0 be be sure but recent scientific advances adva aces furnish reason to believe that this disease can and will be controlled this is one of a series of A public service to promote articles on diseases of the better community understanding heart and circulation presented I 1 I 1 4 of the heart be anted by your heart diseases and to cn encourage courage association it is published sound precautionary by this newspaper as a health measures |