Show legal notices NOTICE to dog owners of the city of monticello dogs whether licensed or not shall not run at large between sunset and the following sunrise this is in accordance with section of the city dog ordinance di nance by city marshall UNITED STATES department OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND management land and survey office salt lake city utah january 5 1951 under provisions of section 2455 R as amended by section 14 of the act of june 28 M 4 48 stat 1274 43 U SC 1 i j and pursuant to the ap Tt cation of foy N rhodes of monticello utah serial no utah ulah there will vill be offered to the highest bidder but at not less than 1078 1073 per acre at a public sale to be held at 1000 am on the day of march 1952 next at this office the following tracts 0 of f land the sec 25 T 32 S R 23 E S LM utah containing 40 acres no bids will be accepted for a portion of the tract advertised land will be sold with a reservation of oil and gas to the united states under the act of iula 17 1914 38 33 stat and subject to see sec 29 act february 25 1920 bids may be made by the i principal orin cipal or his agent cither ally at the sale or by mail ll 11 kids sent by mail will be considered Z onside red only if received at this office prior ito 40 the hour fixed tor for the sale bids must be in scaled coaled e nv elopes accompanied iv bv certified checks or post office money orders made payable to the treasurer of the united states for the amounts of the bids the envelopes must be ma marked r ked in the lower lefthand left hand corner public sale bid serial gnp N utah sale march 19 1952 the highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the mount amount thereof any adverse claimants of the above described land should file their claims or objections onor before the time designas rrt for sale the bureau of land management has not searched the county records to ascertain the existence of any adverse claims any contiguous 0 wrier owner claiming a preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale date ernest E house manager first jan 31 1952 last feb 23 28 1952 published in san juan record monticello Montice utah 4 legal notices appl no NOTICE TO WATER U USERS SERS the following aepli applications c a t i 0 n s have been filed with state engineer to appropriate water in in san juan county state of utah throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated all locations being from julius bullus bailey monticello ut sec ft for domestic use from an unnamed developed spring at a point N 1000 ft and E ft from SW cor sec 4 from a concrete at the spring the water will be conveyed through 3 in and ih in pipe a distance of ft where it will be used for the domestic requirement of two families and for incidental stock watering and irrigation purposes leonard A odette and jack wendal pehrson monticello ut 4 sec ft for irrigation use from a 12 in well bet and ft deep at a point N 1320 ft from SE cor sec 5 the water will be used from mar I 1 to oct 31 for the irrigation of 80 acres of land embraced in sec 5 elmer bailey monticello ut 3 sec ft for irrigation use from an 8 in well bet and ft deep at a point N 1320 ft and W 1320 ft from eya cor sec 30 the water will be used from mar 1 to oct 31 to irrigate acres of land embraced in V 4 and NW sea SE sec 30 ray V redd and reed ff wilson monticello ut lo 10 sec ft for irrigation use from a 13 38 in well bet and ft deep at a point S 1725 ft and IV 2005 2003 ft from NE cor see sec 5 the water will be used from mar 1 to jet 31 to irrigate ciu acres of 01 land embraced in S vi N Vs and sec 5 SE SENE SEi see sec 6 and SN see sec 7 al all in in elmer bailey M monticello ti ut 3 sec ft for irrigation use from an 8 in well bet and ft deep at a point W 1320 ft from EA cor sec 30 the water will be used from mar 1 to oct 31 to irrigate acres of land embraced in swa NEV NE N E and see sec 30 afton B frost monticello ut 5 sec ft for irrigation use from a 12 in well bet and ft deep at a point N 35 ft and W 1260 ft from SE cor see sec 6 the water will be used from mar 15 to nov to irrigate acres of land embraced in sec 31 and lot 1 and NE iSEt see sec 6 and for year round incidental domestic and stock wat ering purposes protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications with reasons must be in affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the state engineer state capitol salt lake city utah on or before april 5 1952 joseph M tracy STATE ENGINEER first pub feb 7 1952 last pub march 6 1852 1952 san juan record legal notices NOTICE FOR publication PUBLIC SALE UNITED STATES department OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND management I 1 land and survey office salt lake city utah january 5 1952 under provisions of section 2455 R S as amended by section 14 of the act of june 28 1934 48 stat 1274 43 U S C 1171 and pursuant to the application of james dewitt fram of los angeles california serial no SL there will be offered to the highest bidder at a public sale to be held at 1000 a in on the irth day of march 1952 next at this office the following tracts of land the see sec 15 T 34 S R S L M utah containing 40 acres at per acre and the SWI W SEVA sec 15 T 34 S R 24 E S L M utah containing acres at per acre or a total of for the entire tract no bids will be accepted for a portion of the tract advertised land will be sold with a reservation er of oil and gas to the united states under the act of july 17 1914 38 stat and an d subject to sec 29 act february 25 1920 41 stat 1003 1063 bids aids may be made by the prin cipal or his agent either personally at the sale or by mail bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale bids must be in sealed scaled envelopes accompanied by certified checks or post of fice money orders made payable to the treasurer of the united states for the amounts of the bids the envelopes must be marked in the lower lefthand left hand corner public sale bid serial no SL sale march 18 1952 the highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof any adverse Ela claimants imants of the above described land should file their claims or objections on or before the time designated for sale the bureau of land management has not searched the county records to ascertain the existence of any adverse claims any contiguous owner claiming a preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale date ernest E X house manager first jan 24 1952 last feb 21 1952 NOTICE FOR publication PUBLISHER department OF THE INTERIOR land and survey office salt lake city utah january 22 1952 NOTICE is hereby given that willard R guymon of blanding utah who on june 9 1949 made homestead entry no for lot 4 sec 31 T 35 S R 23 3 E utah and lots 2 3 sec 1 and the section 12 township 36 S range 22 E salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before karl R lyman notary public at monticello utah on the day of march 1952 claimant names as witnesses It nesses guy palmer of blanding atah utah john helquist of blanding utah hyrum black of blanding utah ralph brown of blanding utah ernest E house manager first pub feb 7 1952 last pub march 6 1952 published san juan record I 1 |