Show 1 I 1 fuller pep by JERRY LINK ja the widow brown chos been Bp sp arkin old jed moore says it beds danam that fascinates her its his pep appeal which shows ashes a dis discerning cernin woman because beds a tull full fledged vitamin tan fan and eats his KELLOGGS PEP every morning PEP got all the vitamins of course but its extra long on the two that are extra short in many peoples meals bi and D more its plumb delicious why not try it tomorrow ar ohp ap PEP A weal rich is in vitamins B band and D production BRED MOUNTAIN BRED AND acclimated WHITE LEGHORNS ac C R I 1 REDS EEDS NEW BARRED ROCKS WHITE ROCKS BUFF WHITE WYANDOTTE CORNISH GAMES WHITE GIANTS BROWN LEGHORNS LIGHT BRAH BRAHMA MAS S batched SIGHT RIGHT delivered FRESH overnight delivery to all intermountain point mammoth bronze turkey boults priced to each delivered write wire or call for FREE illustrated circular RAM S H A W 1 S UTAH PIONEER HATCHERY SALT LAKE CITY UTAH salt lakes NEWEST HOTEL 2 jill hotel TEMPLE SQUARE opposite mormon temple HIGHLY EE COMMENDED rates to les its a mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C ROSSITER sign LISTEN TO BAUKHAGE the catl farma home hout hom 1030 each morning monday through friday KUTA salt lake at KC KIDO boise at 1380 KC and zither ather NBC blue network stations SALT LAKE HOTELS RT nice 4 quiet i t roo rooms ms a at t well furnished close to everything caffee shop garage NEW GRAND HOTEL ath south and main alain HOTELS when in RENO NEVADA stop atop at the HOTEL GOLDEN renos reno and roost most popular hotel HOTEL HOTEL APA apartments KIMBALL HOTEL APTS north main alain 22 block from temple beautiful apartments by day week or month rates 2 00 to per apt with kitchenette car garage GLASSES REPAIRED glasses cost about half as much when you buy direct from OPTICAL laboratories south main salt lake WALL PAPER felt wall paper company has just jus t receive received d its first carload of new 1941 wallpapers direct from the mills all patterns priced extremely low extra special or more 1940 patterns from which to select no reasonable price refused come early shop hop and save at FELTS CC TC south stitt state S salt it lake Laki city OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs files typewriters adding achs safes bk eases S L DESK EX 35 W broadway salt lake WHEN IN SALT LAKE the best food in salt lake is served by the MAYFLOWER CAPE CAFE at south main POPULAR PRICED luncheons dinners and sandwiches BARBER COLLEGE NEW CLASS NOW STARTING MOLAR BARBER COLLEGE salt lake city make extra money it if called into military service barbering barberine taught in a short time BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS TODAY new low prices highest quality duality wh fh leghorn and new hamp red chicks for r immediate del special choice 8 wk old pullets for immediate or future del POULTRY MENS HATCHERY so state Al murray urray utah murray 35 HOTEL 0 TEL BEN LOMOND LO SOW ISO 00 rooms baths to family rooms for 4 pers person onas ss air cooled lounge and lobby grill room coffee shop tap room rome home of rotary kiwanis executives exchange optimists 2030 20 30 chamber of commerce and ad club hotel ben lomond OGDEN UTAH come as you are T E fitzgerald mr WU week no SALT LAKE WANTED DRY BONES in truck loads or carloads HIGHEST PRICES PAID write or wire COLORADO ANIMAL PRODUCTS byproducts BY COMPANY SOUTH 3rd ard WEST SALT LAKE CITY UTAH or their nearest branches located at OGDEN SPANISH FORK LOGAN HEBER CITY also buyers of hides pelts furs and wool HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID ALWAYS your friends will thank you for directing them to an apartment hotel for COMFORT pa t f W 0 convenience L L SERVICE the BELVEDERE emil APARTMENT HOTEL rates day 15 week up 29 south state st salt lake cita utah calvin 0 jack mgr |