Show nem review of f current u ad events REFORM BILL PASSED measure giving president vast powers squeezes through senate may die in house nel V senator rat pat harrison arrison II of mississippi chairman of the senate finance committee is here seen telling members of the press what his committee had done and proposed to dp do to the revenue measure so that it would be less objectionable to bus business ineis and to the country in general it already had made radical changes in th the bill as it was passed by the house aa wa y N summarizes THE WORLDS W WEEK aex 0 western Vc stern newspaper union wi wide de powers for president Preside nf RESIDENT ROOSEVEL TS reorganization P 1 bill squeezed through the senate by the close vote of 49 to 42 after a fierce fight A mo tion to recommit which would li have ve virtually virtu aUy killed the measure was defeated by a vote of 48 to 43 opponents of this bill are convinced that it paves the way for a dictatorship in in the united states the measure was sent on to the house which already has passed bills covering some of its features there is no certainty however that the senate measure will ever be brought to a vote in the house chairman oconnor of the rules committee said it should be allowed to slumber peace peacefully fulli in some pigeonhole eon hole the bill authorizes the president by executive order to transfer regroup ordinate coordinate co consolidate segregate the whole or any part of or abolish any of the bure bureaus austgen agencies and divisions of goberm government nent excepted from this section however a are re the federal reserve board the corps of engineers of the united states army and the independent quasi judicial and regulatory establishments lish ments such as the board of tax appeals the communications commission the federal trade commission the interstate commerce commission and the national labor relations board it t abolishes thi the civil service commission as now con constituted 1 u ted and the general accounting sf y ace it creates a new depaz department ment of welfare and it authorizes six more a year assistants to the president utilities must register TN I 1 N A 6 to I 1 decision the united states ss ourt upheld the registration pro r of the wheel er rayburn public pubic utility act of 1935 but did not pass on the constitutionality of other parts of the law including the death sentence for holding companies the court sustained an order of the new york federal district court requiring the electric bond and share company and 14 associated utility holding companies to register with the securities and exchange commission or else be denied the use of the mails and other facilities of interstate commerce chief justice hughes delivered the courts opinion justice who wrote no opinion was the only dissenter justice cardozo who is is ill and justice 11 reed eed took no part inthe in the consideration of the case ton ten men to probe TVA F alve IVE senators and five represents tives will do the investigating of the tennessee valley authority tor for the resolution for a joint committee inquiry was adopted by the senate without a dissenting vote and appeared certain of passage by the house the resolution was introduced by sen alben W barkley of kent u c k y majority leader it calls for investigation of charges of maffea sen en bridges sance and dishonesty made by the ousted chairman A E morgan and includes eight of the twenty three charges originally made by senators bridges and king in their first resolution for a congressional inquiry it also calls for a fishing expedition into the activities tivi ties of private utility companies and their injunction suits against the TVA sen H styles bridges the new hampshire republican in a radio debate declared the administration was trying to obscure the charges of scandal within the TVA IVA by forcing the inquiry to cover the private utility angle the administrations strategy has been to cover up TVA dirt by a phoney counterattack counter attack he be said he was answered vigorously by sen lister B hill of alabama legality of president Roosevel ts action in ousting chairman morgan from the TVA board is still a matter that the courts probably will be called on to settle mr roosevelt removed morgan after receiving from acting attorney general jackson an opinion that he possessed the required authority he reported the action to congress and said he had named harcourt morgan chairman reasons for the removal of A E morgan as given by the president were that he had made grave and libelous charges against his colleagues and refused to substantiate them at the white house hearings and that he had obstructed the work of the authority 1 I franco in catalonia garmy GENERAL FRANCOS insurgent army blasted its way through the loyalist lines and entered the province of catalonia moving far toward barcelona the third capital of the government forces in this rapid advance about towns were captured in a single day and many villages were demolished by bombardment bar dment by a fleet of wat wai planes said to have been contributed by italy and Ger germany mahy italy warned france that any french intervention in spain might compromise peace on the european continent the organ of the italian foreign office diplo matica published the statement declaring italy was following with greatest attention the campaign of french leftists for intervention in spain silver buying halted OF THE TREASURY SECRETARY announced that the united states had discontinued the purchase of mexican silver until further notice this probably was a direct result of medicos cos expropriation of foreign oil properties which secretary of state hull considers a hard blow to his hiis good neighbor policies price of silver was cut I 1 cent an ounce i the united states treasury has been buying ounces of newly mined mexican silver silve each month paying around for it at the artificially maintained new york price which gave mexico sizable profits japans regime in china i TAPAN APAN announced officially the inauguration augu ration of the reformed government of the republic of china in this puppet state is is intended to replace the regime of generalissimo chiang kai shek and is headed by liang hung tze as chairman of the new executive yu an a position equivalent to premier the chinese were still fighting the invaders desperately along the pei i ping bankow railway and claimed the japanese were suffering heavy losses colonel house dies V EATH after a ion long g illness ended athe the notable career of col edward M house whose name during the world war era was familiar to millions he passed away in new p york at the age of seventy nine years shunning publicity and personal glory house devoted himself untiringly to what he deemed the best interests of his country and f tor or years deais his influence especially in international COL house matters was great an early supporter of woodrow wilsons Wil sons political fortunes he became wilsons Wil sons trusted adviser after his election to td the presidency and continued to help direct his course immediately before and during the war making frequent trips to europe he was wilsons Wil sons personal representative in the versailles peace conference later he and wilson disagreed and their close association came to an end profits tax out isaid pat AT HARRISON meant what he said about altering the revenue bill that was passed by the house his senate finance committee committe e is making the changes by a vote of 17 to 4 it eliminated from the measure the undistributed profits tax principle substituting a flat corporation income tax of 18 per cent As a further means of stimulating business and investment the committee adopted a provision drastically modifying the capital gains and losses tax the committee removed capital gains on assets held for more than 18 months from the income tax category and substituted instead a flat rate of 15 per cent which was what business and industry wanted in an effort to clear the way for speedy enactment of the tax relief legislation the committee rejected a system of processing taxes on wheat corn cotton tobacco and rice which the administration desires to finance proposed additional bounties to farmers amounting to a year jews must quit Vi vienna enni i PHERE HERE are jews in vienna ana and all of them must leave that city within four years this was announced in the austrian capi tal by field mar 1 peering goering hits lers right hand man who set forth a program tor for the economic reconstruction st of austria he said vienna must again become Z Z a german city no city with jews has a right to call itself a german city vienna has to fulfill economic and cultural tasks and this is impossible with jews therefore they must leave goering said he had in trusted the task of removing the jews to inquardt and that it must be accomplished quietly and mercifully by legal means there was great rejoicing throughout germany when cardinal In archbishop of vienna issued a solemn declaration urging the people of austria most of whom are catholics to vote for the union with germany at the plebiscite on april 10 the document was read in all catholic churches it il warmly praised the nazi rulers and pledged allegiance to germany this stand of the catholic hierarchy made certain an overwhelming victory for hitler in the plebiscite it also led the nazi chiefs to hope tor for a new accord with the vatican wheat crop estimates prediction by the bureau of ag 1 ri cultural economics of the department part ment of agriculture is that this years wheat crop will be bushels or bushels in excess of the 1932 36 average the survey estimates that the wheat carryover carry over in 1939 will be around bushels the record wheat crop Is based on the following factors it if farmers seed the acreage indicated in the prospective planting report and if average yields are obtained this years spring wheat crop including durum will total about bushels this together with the winter crop ot of about 6 bushels indicates a prospective output of bushels house shows its temper evidently the house of depre 1 senta tives want any more TVA projects started while the affairs of the authority are in such a muddle by a vote of to it refused to concur with the senate in appropriating funds to start construction of the dam at Gilberts gilbertsville ville ky in opposition were democrats and 75 republicans the vote sent the matter back to conference months ago the house appropriations committee rejected the proposition to appropriate to begin the Gilberts gilbertsville ville dam and the house left the item out of the bill the senate was induced by norris and others to put it back but still the house refused 1 navy bill passed by house WITH ITH only a few votes in opposition the house passed the administrations billion dollar navy bill the measure authorizes construction st of the largest battle fleet in american history by adding 46 combat ships 22 auxiliaries and airplanes the war department announced that army and navy officers were about to study plans for an enlistment program that would put more than two million men under arms within four months of a declaration of war for this the army would require recruits and the navy e the first under existing plans would be sought as volunteers in the first month before lifs draft machinery like chaft that y was put into ope operation ration al ready prepared for quick submission to congress is a draft of a selective service law 1 tetlow heads coal board P PERCY ERCY TETLOW a lieutenant of john L lewis has been elected chairman of the national bituminous coal commission to succeed C IF hosford resigned this apparently puts the C 1 I 0 chieftain in full control of the commission in which his influence has been predominant tetlow began his career as a coal miner in ohio and was an official of the united mine workers when appointed to the board britain ready to fight jv REAT BRITAIN will not GREAT pledge herself to fight to save czechoslovakia from german aggression gres sion but she will use her armaments to fulfill her treaty obligations to france france and belgium arid Is ready to go to war in their defense if they are unjustly attacked that was the warning to hitler uttered by prime minister chamberlain in th the e house of commons in the most neville important statement chamberlain Chamberla iv of british foreign policy since the world war declaring his belief that peace deaca will be maintained chamberlain said 1 I cannot imagine any aventi events in in europe which would change the fundamental basis of british foreign policy which is the maintenance and preservation of peace however that does not mean that nothing would make us fight though he said central europe was not an area where vital british interests are at stake he gave plain warning that if german aggression should result in war there britain might be forced into it he flatly turned down soviet rus sias call for consultation against aggressor nations roosevelt warns south 0 ON N HIS way to warm springs president roosevelt paused in gainesville ga long enough to deliver sharp criticism of those southerners who are keeping the wage hours legislation deadlocked in the house of representatives and who have opposed other of his new del de 1 11 measures ile he asserted that south ern workers are underpaid and un der employed and warned that unless this condition is changed the south cannot and will not succeed in establishing successful new industries dus tries he attacked selfishness on the part of a few for holding back national progress and prosperity and added this nation will never permanently get on the road to recovery it if we leave the methods and the processes of recovery to those who owned the government of the united states from 1921 to 1933 he referred sarcastically to those who insist on a balanced budget but off offer er no suggestions on how this can be achieved without putting dollars ahead of human lives they have the same type 4 mind said he as those r senta tives of the people who against legislation to help social and economic conditions proclaiming loudly that they are for the objectives but do not like the methods and then fall fail utterly deterly to offer a better method of their own |