Show When Wr er comes I 1 are arc prompted to write this re 0 of our life in dry valley to up ment what we are saying baying in ou agular column in regard t to 0 the anu unu al storm period thru which we ba just u st passer passed A rough couill the sun is shining ago again I 1 n the th e is so low in this high er tude that the snow lingers and the 4 is anten intense go especially during the ht bt and early Tr morning torning hours W weare are unable to move our car from the upper end of our three mile aroa area but this fact does not vent us from walking to our middle section where most of our activities ot of practical nature are carrm carried d on and where we meet on sun ait at te early heur of 6 a m and again ai t the close of thedac the day for the wo gae sef vices we hold bold in our chapel Chap elj le because Bec euse of the he almost e roads biln tand the distance e either t r end tv the chapel aia pel we coza r iper erv oci p on the sunday juat us tp pa we heidtke heid h the earla morning per pert jid N noe h re regular hour affer jv arnt to one of f the bobiles aw tf ane arti fe e section for diore general nie le ii ig to discuss some coaum comum anity af irs and then closia h a short airs arvice to complete this day of al biform form of contact t was a new e ej wp fews ff WS rt f 9 5 i it the rough I 1 A I 1 l ground although the morning 1 4 clear and cold and the moon and tars stars gave forth a glorious radiance to combine with the frosty white un der kerfoot foot our thermometer registered 8 87 degrees above zero at 5 aa a m when we started on our walk waleto to the chapel we shall repeat experience as long as af the winter weather lasts and TM a sott otten its as we arg are unable to reach I 1 10 n by auto The distance I 1 bei between A e en each point to the in middle idle section seea seca is about a niile each way and under ordinary conditions isa isa delightful walk but ut it was rather rate her cold on the 64 day intentioned kilthou although gh this fact did not keep cp a single pingle member e of from rea reaching ching our chapel on ii time 61 shach again proves roves their loyalty alty and ir devotion to our r guidance ce and a nd or 0 of living in a CD balley ra ley 4 f AT rv r fe ft S |