Show RECORD representatives APPOINTED IN communities we wish to announce the appointment of a number of aut subscription and advertising representatives in various communities for the convenience of our readers and patrons these representatives are fully authorized zed to take your subscription payments accept advertising and job printing such as dance bills sale bills programs letterheads and all types of job printing as or representatives and t to 0 collect and receipt for same when due upon their presentation of a statement from our office subscription receipts will be mailed direct to you from our office upon receipt of the payment fo for sami same from our representative the following are accredited representatives blanding mrs douglas galbraith galbrath Galb raUh boulder lee L brady I 1 billu bluff aaileen tA ileen nielson dove creek re ek dari dan B hunter bucolo ucolo mrs R P redshaw keeshaw Ked shaw those desir desiring to become representatives senta tives ives or dr correspondents ts at othet other P points i olits please contact us by letter or sn in person we wanta fant ill T ev arz y rr bordering bord erini yon h aw t iv iy ay ly i |