Show Pini pimples ples completely gone after using Cuti cura soap and ointment my face broke out with pimples that came from surface irritation and were quite large it itched ditched a and burned and at nig night lit would itch so badly I 1 would scratch and the pimples p les finally turned into eruptions my face was disfigured for the time being I 1 looked as it if I 1 had bad the measles then I 1 read about Cuti cura soap and ointment and sent for a free sample I 1 got great results so I 1 bought more and I 1 used only two cal cakes of Cuti cura soap and one box bos of 0 Cuti cura ointment and the pimples were completely gore signed miss mayme Ml chelsen weeping water neb soap ointment and coc talcum sold everywhere one sample each free address cuti cura laboratories dept K R maiden mass adv 14 jrsn 7 10 M AT YOUR SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY 0 our lobby la Is delightfully air cooled during the summer months radio for every room Rooms baths bath oil HOTEL temple square rates bates to tim the hotel temple square has ha a highly desirable friendly almo aim pher eYou will always find it aup niely mely comfor taLlo and nd thoroughly can there foro fare understand why this hotel lot tat HIGHLY recommended you yoa can caa also aljo appreciate w by I a its a mark of distinction to stop of at tills this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C C ROSSITER egr mgr A LADIES tarn earn good money spars alms cop copy y addresses for or mall roll order f arms experience car not nee dec essary send stamp for de detally apex ad verti inc acebey box 2673 tucson arlt ariz L ok wn ell U 3 T P E K T U N dwile m DUE TO FIRESTONE EXTRA construction FEATURES OU QUESTION ESTIoN no 1 wll will the nonskid non skid rubber by the patented gum dipping tread give give me the greatest process this process not used in any traction fraction and protection against other tire soaks every cotton cord and skidding nga insulates every strand preventing internal friction and heat giving extra ANSWER the patented construction strength longer life greater 1 feature of or two extra layers of or gum dependability dipped cords under the tread makes it possible for firestone to use a wider QUESTION om no 3 will the tread fread flatter tread with higher shoulders that give me long wear at puts more rubber on the road this higher speeds combined with the scientific illic non nonskid skid design gives greatest nonskid non skid safety ANSWER A new and tougher tread and traction ever known cnown compound developed by firestone Fires fon gives you longer wear at lower corf QUESTION no 2 Is the tire body per mile even at today s higher speeds protected against destructive internal infernal heat the chief cause of call on the firestone service store stor premature tire failure or firestone tire dealer in your community today let hint him tell you ANSWER every cord in firestone tires about the exclusive construction is soaked and saturated in pure liquid features of firestone truck and bus tires which will tests A w that Fim sione truck and I 1 give you stop quicker lo 10 0 w e r operating costs and grea greater t e r safety gum dipped card wy gavas groate w strength and icv 4 a to th role of M richard crooks creole OLDFIELD TYPE SENTINEL TYPE c clodys ut or margaret volume production ory every monday night over orr IV B C the tire that taught network tire for light trucks more cold tougher thrift to millions A il fiva stair h wider flatter tread fivos longerbon AUTO SUPPLIES AT BIG SAVINGS BATTERIES SPARK PLUGS BRAKE LINING FAN BELTS DITCH LIGHTS q LOCKS HIGH SPEED TYPE 7 wn aasa GREATEST TIRE EVER FOR ALL ROUND SERVICE UNEQUALED 4 FOR HIGH SPEEDS mom AND HEAVY HAULING 9 REAR VIEW MIRRORS LAMPS reflectors FLARES FLAM RADIATOR HOSE torto willi 0 1936 F T X LOYS COYS GIRLS head cad the grape nung ad in another column of 0 this paper an and d learn how to loin join the dizzy dean winners and win ula valuable free prizes adv |