Show NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior general land office at salt lake city utah june 21 1935 notice is hereby given that chriss R christensen chrisensen of monticello utah who on august 11 1931 made stock raising homestead hom esteal entry no for lot lots 1 2 sec 4 twp tap 32 south range 23 E S L AL E see sec 33 I 1 I 1 4 see sec 34 section 28 township 31 south range 23 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above des described bribed before the clerk of the district court at monticello utah on the 2nd and day of august 1935 claimant names as witnesses claud young cecil jones arthur nielson Nl elson and robert christensen all of monticello utah THOMAS F THOMAS register first pub june 27 last july 25 |