Show FIRST GROUP OF MEN ARRIVE HERE A group of twelve men under the command of lieutenant shelby arrived in il monticello the first of the week and established a fly camp west of town near the ranger station another group Is expected to arrive at any time which will aug ament the number maniber of men to about thirty it ic is thought the camp will be located northwest of the ranger station a pirt tar 0 t distance instead of south or of T itce I 1 fo a as a ali the record was informed fo last week however positive information has not yet been given as to the location of the camp we understand that henry carlson ol 01 of f monticello jM will be in charge of construction of the permanent buildings which will necessitate the em I leyment of a large tew crew of skilled labor As soon as it is definitely known where the camp will be located making of improvements will start sart this will necessitate housing facilities for at least two hundred men and is thought will take the better part of thirty lays days to complete the record hopes to have further details for an early issue |