Show THE PART OF THE EDITOR I 1 I 1 was just thinking the oth other er day what an unusual part the editor of a small town newspaper plays in the life of his community when he writes a story that represents his honest convictions in his own paper of what he thinks of matters and things social ocia industrial agricultural ical or political he cannot help but step on some one s toes because as we are constituted we do not all seem to anink alike or see gee alike no matter matr how honest he may be there are always those who are willing and glad to pop him on the head at least verbally and behind his back 14 while those who think as he does rarely say a word of commendation just think of the number of cibir or r 1 that have started in in every community in the past forty years and then look over the graveyard where they bury these eions and see what the country editor jias has had to father and then pronounce A attlio he benediction over after but a few abort years of their struggle |