Show horse hone holding its own despite machine age ag in 11 tha 11 arta 11 of peace as well Is a war the horse remains a standby stand by despite hla his virtual disappearance from froia the highway farmers are learning that small tracts may be more effectively cultivated with horse powei power than with tractor that it la is easier to raise feed than to buy gasoline there Is a definite connection here with our present economic impasse the united states department of nt agriculture estimates that the number of horses and mules has fallen in the last decade it estimates that a working horse consumes annually 70 bushels of oats 15 to 20 bushels of corn one to one and a half tons of hay and one acre of pasture to produce these for all the van ithee animals would mould require acres an area now largely used for other purposes the department estimates tha this acreage would yield hales bales of cotton or r bushels of wheat or bushels bas liela of corn since the country la 11 suffering dufferin suf ferin from fro alleged avei overproduction over production in the presence of reduced consumption in all these crops the reduced use of the horse has a wide bearing on the whole farm problem ali all this ft A one of our sacrifices to the machines dominance the horse on the whole seems to be doing doloff pretty well at surviving in the face of mechanical competitors st louis alost dispatch |