Show STOCK GROWERS AND FARMERS TO MEET MOW MONDAY APRIL I 1 members of the monticello stock growers and farmers are urged to attend a meeting to be held at the county court house on monday next at 2 0 clock in the afternoon this meeting is of considerable importance as a committee Is to be appointed to supervise control of the range in san juan county A letter from F R carpen carpenter er to secretary H E ble blac ze of the monticello association states that work ot of establishing razing grazing districts recommended by stock men s committees for utah is expected to be completed within 16 15 days local advisory committees will be elected to adopt suitable rules for range regulation director carpenter espres expresses s es the hope that rles rilles for regulation of districts will be completed P eted by july 1 every stock a rower roa er and farmer in in san isan aban coury county raould be interested in this pro iran arf are should attend this imp impo orli meI meeting titi so as to have a voice n i matter which affects their personal welfare |