Show train pullets to lay in floor nests clean eggs many of the badly soiled eggs picked up during the winter came from the habit of some pullets of dropping their eggs from the roosts boosts or on the floors under the roosts boosts seeming a favored place where there are no dropping boards the best way to train these pullets says the nebraska farmer Is to place clean nest boxes on the floors where the eggs are most frequently dropped the pullets soon take to the floor nests which can be raised by degrees or may even be left there it if the hens seem to prefer them another source of soiled eggs Is 13 the tha habit of some hens ro in nests in preference to roosts boosts if taking these hens from the nests lightly for a week or so and placing them on the roosts boosts does not break them of nest boosting roosting better sell or eat them and get rid ot of that annoyance hanging burlap curtains one half or two thirds of the way across the front of nests tends to discourage nest boosting roosting without detering hens from entering to lay there will ba 3 few ew offensively dirty eggs it if these precautions are observed |