Show HATE i nine people ou of every ten liate hate that person or thin which displeases them or which a not in III accord with their on olin aden ilow how much more time we spend with thoughts of hate than love should this ile he so must we hate tile the murderer th the 3 thief the nef har that ag slaps all our r race face the to do that bites our child the rattlesnake in fit our path the public enemies the unpleasant situation we find ourselves in our school lessons and a S d the greater lessons of life I 1 it t li is su si eway eniy to view one and occurrences to recognize them as riat they are anil and forget it and then it if we wish to fortify ourselves and help hell the other person or situa madr c can as easily learn to send line in that direction to counter balance the wave of evil thou thought lit that Is s ie tor for the ittel or condl tion I tive Is the greatest force in the imi averse mV erse so much more ill than an at il T fec faction tion for or it is always impersonal in its highest aspect where love abides hate and vindictiveness vanish and after all it rests solely with our selves selve a what we shall sh ill do d with our mind and what kind hind ot of thoughts we shall nurse and nourish it pays MS big dividends to love lore the world and all in iti ib |