Show MERCUR MINE REOPENED S L tribune aftic a lapse of many vears ow arp to lit it ic sinned nt at the rad alil genier marim atari m mino at aier cui clean it Dot hwel anil and associates are completing a ton baill ani and expert to Tin 1 ciS n ocein tion about december first the new venture is nn open cut op er atlon mr I 1 bothwell oth well SAYS there is a henvy heavy tonnage ot of low grade p ada ore v which holcli lie predicted can 1111 be ind and milled for or less than 1 a ton on top of tile the hill which Is across ohp th canyon from thi the snyder q properties is r direr of gold ores with an avei burden vilty ins ing from 5 to 20 feet deep down Is the ore body worked years aso ago by the carrie steel and sparrow howl i mines which sir mr bothwell says will run 2 in gold and five ounces in sliver silver 23 25 to SO 30 workmen are employed |