Show libarry AND TYRANNY tle the history of the world since the dawn ol 01 civilization portrays ii a never andin battle between the forces oi of liberty and tyranny tyranny is kiy iy ay puch different theories as monarchy chy the divine right of E angs communism ra fascism seism liberty too hns has worn many faces from tile the time tile the magma charta was avrun from king john down to the establishment esta blish ment 0 of democracy is as we know it now today the forces of oc tyranny have coine into power in many great reat na they have subjected whole peoples to their will lising as their wagons terrorism assassination suppression ol of free 1011 ot of speech tree freedom of action freedom of warship liverty Li lerty is always won von with blood and sacrifice and the tha united states was no exception to the rule role there is s no more inspiring inspirit chapter lit in history than that telling of the lives mil ind works ot of those who founded anil this ot of vi wash ash bueton adams jefferson lincoln and the rest theirs Is the spirit and the purpose which should govern thou cht and emotions ot oc the american today no american citizen would willingly accept tyranny whatever its form hut but I 1 biere e is grave danger that in our cw eagerness to solve the perplexities r th the e pre present we will give up tip rights i and prerogatives that are essential to the preservation of a free people it makes little difference whether the individual is subjected to the dictatorship of 0 king or politicians itt it antiles little difference whether ill lah ertic artles s are destroyed by li v law or hy by force of arms it we the american people barter indent principles tor for temporary benefits the foi founders inders of the m nation will have lived in vain |