Show U E A convention IS worthwhile all if san juin juan county teachers attended the utah education assoil tion co contention mention held at salt lake last thursday priday and saturday and report the meeting very much worthwhile all sessions were well orran lansed ed and the speakers seemed for tile ali most part both well informed and inspired guest speakers were dr D edwin awin A lee ice superintendent of 0 san francisco schools and a most admirable man and speaker dr philip greeley clipp of the music department of iowa state university hilss helen lead ot of tile the edit ration cation and rural schools ot of california and dean ralph dennis hend head of speech department at northwestern university 1 some ot of the outstanding ideas presented were as follows tile rapidly moving society we live in demmonds dem mands teachers who are alert find and able to lend lead students into ways which will make them good citizens tomorrow teachers more than any professional groult have responded to t public needs during the past few difficult years the state tux tax structure needs reform to in afford more uniform educational opportunities unities for child and more inifi ani pay for the same amount of work for tei tew chers hers Ton tp chers PIT t e most capable ond bave the I lt st to mold opinion and E hould lie ile al allowed lowell and encouraged raed to take active part in politics the leads from rom lynn igna rince to t prejudice to to ethics afore in fei reign language means lii dleo is vc i as keener mentalities teachers can do 10 much to teach ideals or of world pence besides the numerous well known tah T ah educators anil and public figures there were several musical organizations oi which demonstrated much musi cal shill ind keen tion some rome ot of these were a parent teachers tenc liers chorus from jordan district composed of women front 23 different local org i niza t ions ot of uenh lens arens glee A vocal trio trin front from franl te elsh the he school chorus from tooele thoele central high hh school and others ot liers san joaq drove to salt take last wednesday artier school ind and returned sunday |