Show SAN JUAN RECORD monticello UTAH 1 BETTER PRICES FOR CHICKENS AND EGGS outlook Is encouraging for the prepared b by y the ih united stole department or of agriculture service formers farmers may expect better prices for their chickens and eggs compared with last fall mainly on account of the reduced production which it ta is expected will result from the scarcity nud and high price of feed according to the bureau of agricultural economics in its poultry and erg egg outlook report poultry production this year Is the smallest since 1925 reports the bureau the number of chickens hatched this year was about 10 per cent less than last year and the number of hens bens in farm flocks was less than last year there has been more than normal disposal of hens bens and pullets in drouth areas of the central states scarcity of feed in many important poultry producing states Is forcing poultry men to dispose of some of their surplus young stock earlier than usual and a considerable reduction in number of layers carried through the winter Is expected the prospective reduction of eggs throughout the fall and winter and the relatively small production in prospect next spring should result in a level of farm prices sufficiently high to offset in part a higher price of feed says the bureau the bureau suggests that producers who are able to do so maintain their laying flocks and carry young chickens over to heavier weights where natural range Is available |