Show ALO CAL n U LIVES T INTERESTS local Stock growers discuss taylor grazing bill A delegation cc composed imposed of fred 7 keller jense nielson and roy wood motored to moal and atten attended deti tz the lue ane etiny eting ot of the stock holders ot of san sall juan and grand counties the object ot of the was to discuss the tay lor grozing act acl and also to form a grazing district in san juan and grand counties there was a ver very large and representative gathering lut but agthe san ajuan delegation was not instructed as to the wishes I of if the san juan stockmen stoc kmen concerning some of tle tire problems there was another meeting held wednesday night at this meeting claude young presided as president of the monticello and farmers fred IV keller gave cave a report of the meeting last week with the assistant Secre secretary iry ot of the interior at salt inke I city preliminary to adoption ot of regulations for carrying out pro provisions I 1 of the taylor grazing law filing made by local men charles redd kedd stated that application had already been filed under the name mame of 0 the san juan grazing for specific territory to be aminia in tills this county and explained the advantages of such over I 1 the proposal pro al to unite with grand i county in organization of a si single n I 1 e oll als s brict em bracins tooth both a I 1 position its n sus bug talked dy by W D altho tire desire to protect the sinal 1 ler stock mens interest was many I 1 times emphasized the majority of them had no voice in the decision carried with only one dissenting vote to function independently 0 t f I 1 orand grand county the L alent cello asso aviation ria via tion homeier ho weier hns has made effort to secure regulation giving small grow ers class A permits with naith certain pret prential erent lal ial grazina ri lits it was clearly pointed out that san juan grazing in no no way or the alie existing exis tins tinz I 1 i loci locel organizations ot of stocks rowers would continue to to function in but was brou lit into be in III to secure regulation of the eraz craz ing in district and protect the interests ot of those who used such rich territory tor for grazing purposes some questions arose as to the fair ness of 1 I future members being bound hy by the esl evl stinK stin remi regulations lations ot of alli this new organization another general re inee nie tinz eting ot of nil all stockmen stoc kmen in this coun conn ty was Vie therefore called for saturday evening at 8 for the purpose of ft reorganizing before a adopting constitution ution anti and bylaws by liy laws it is hoped that tills this will brint out a record ot nt as it will be an opportunity for everyone to secure re representation in future activities activity |