Show RE SUN BRIEFS special correspondent I 1 in ili spite of rumors that thai tice thee w be no llo or oi V tao ditch work done till tah spring a full force foice was on oil the job friday with teams scrapers scrap cis and other tools to bring in ill tho the every aval available lable piece of ground in thu town Is being placed in readiness tor for gardening Bal dening and farming edgar blaye t will vill farm uriah butts land P V conway anil and kent neilson aro aie already if there will ii ie e a market tor for the bumper crop they will harvest horn from K jones faun farm john and olin oliver liver have elected a cabin at sand island soine some two to miles west of 0 tow town v here they expect to try their luck at dry farming they will also make of it a turkey tin key and chicken tarm farm dan clayes has taken to his job lis as clerk a as gracefully giace fully as a duck takes to water wate the well tilled filled store stoie house and shelves reminds us of the old saying new bro blooms ollis sweep clean now that we have a chance lets patronize our home store putt nutt received elved word void mona diona utah that his mother aunt amit julla julep ns as silo she Is affectionately known to her many ft fi lends Is critically III at the home of 0 lier her daughter mrs clarence ellertson ceu bell T taylor 0 y 10 r filin 1 ovi me ate ulmo elmo canion Is in ill town looking for farm faim land to rent i f the b basket ball game plan placed ed by dick U A and Kirk jack and ir karl arl hunt against lynn Ial Pal luer steward burnham Hui nham milton 1101 01 s bernard beinard black and harry hairy laws w was is silo another ther victory fo for B bluff the score being 16 to 18 mis M P hunt is the latest flu fill victim slie she has been confined to bed the past week w eek i butt wesley oliver and dave miller are aio tto iliin road between here and tle the arizona line miss may nielson Nl elson who lio lito hia been cheung in her fathers store for thi til past last eight turned the keys kes to ill lie new ne manager daniel hayes hairs tuesday miss may alay left that evening in company with air diggs roi for a trip dip to idaho where they will isit with mr air biggs people K H V I 1 williams motored to cello monday to attend a meeting or of the school board ile he was vas accod by mis airs williams I 1 ifor hayes haes dhove dan hayes car to tuba city friday to bring back mrs mis hans from a short visit mrs myrtle millie hunt all and estella nielson went alona alon f foi the 11 L title ilde mis airs hunt remained for a few days visit with the allen alien adams fa family ni I 1 ly mr air hunt Is occil ig is as post li stress during din ing mrs mis hunts absence marvin dalton Is in town again after B spending a number of days in almonti eclo cello doing dineh work ork the rhe ilene hunt janet and margaret Maiga iet nielson and dora doia johnson Jo linson were hostesses at tle the surprise surp iise party pally given april api 11 at the home of margaret nielson in ili lionor honor of miss yona hunt birthday the invited guests were eio karl ben bell and J tack ack blunt dick butt U A and cvrk nielson Nl elson games came were voie plied played and a to course couise luncheon served we ave doubt if tiny any other two to towns i t 1 county co airty can call boist boast of as 09 many real estate deals as mint bluff hei exper in the past pat three homes mil and one toie store havin having chanad el nud owner philp all tap homo home and store of J P i malon on cre cie purchased hy hi dan ilayev the frank hyde hide hor ionic e tint that was aa sold rad I 1 to peter tones jones or of Montle ello for foi taxes Is now the property pro propel ty of lay jay I 1 wesley feese oliver his has purchased the oil john allen lio lionie |