Show OUR bmw LETTER I 1 by national editorial association special to the sall sail juan record washington april apt 11 6 troubles T were ero plied piled on the doorstep of tile the senate when tile tho house delivered tho the tax bill bil I 1 for consideration and concurrence it la Is generally genei ally agreed that the senate will be obliged to follow tile the footsteps of the house in an endeavor to balance the budget the high dry light of reason Is gradually gia dually filtering I 1 through h rough politically trained minds that the country and the congress are fac I 1 ing grave economic conditions whatever the legislators legisla tois s do with tile the uk LIX measures mei wll will not be ba based on con can cletion but 0 q 91 I 1 cu instances this trend was vas observed I 1 in the house when many si sv allowed d revenue items erdl marily unpalatably and indigestible to their own ideas the passage of the tha revenue bill in the along lines indicated dica ted that tho the sanae same action would be I 1 expected if of the sell senate ite tle tie senate I 1 proud of tho the title the most delibe dealbera tive body in the world can when th the occasional al demands pass import importantly antl aills with speed that dazzell the galleries the senate finance comm hearings i 1 will not be as extensive as thel house group hope lias has been espres sod that the tax problem will be out of the way before the june I 1 1 val convention mention co season breaks brea ia up their I 1 j debates Ae bates the trend in national state and municipal government costs has been steadily upward which means additional worries for the taxpayer the congress lias bas taken advantage i of public sentiment in ili regard to finall I 1 cial houses with much gusto the senate has undertaken dundei taken an inquiry into tho the stock market in an effort to coir correct oct or curb questionable practice ej another probe deals with propaganda attributed to tile tho opposing changes in tile the federal re Ite iove serve laws the house showed ito land hand with the k of heavy taxes on stoc stock k transactions and othor other speculative matters matteis bankers once feared for their gocr in ili local comai communities if fil ties are now on oa tile tho defensive the public never inclined to dolve delve deep into real leal causes attribute economic alc condi conditions lions to the cupidity of the banking profession protes slon dienie II enie the liu legislator si a seize oil en a situation to make poll political capital without fear of bankens netting citing their at the election the house have another major pioL leui lLin oil en Us its hands bands with the demand in tome some quarters for the veterans bonus the Pies president Ident has notified congress Con giess that a veto anaas legislation of this sort there are aie powerful groups fighting for foi these bills involving an all expenditure of two tv 0 billions billion 3 just juat how tile tho money will bo ob tallied is not quite clear to the proponents especially an agreement agie ement to bal raice the budget A low few have inflation of cul cui forcy to poy p the certificates this moans turning tho printing presses without bothering with gold and sill security cuilty se it Is a pi opposition similar to the fantastic greenback green back era eia when money flored irum from the pi inting al ases the tariff is ia a subject wl rl wi lih h is q languished for a year it has now been revived with an eyo eye to the forthcoming presidential campaigns the senate has liden been given the tha tariff a perfunctory consideration the I louse house Js Is scheduled to discuss this matter particularly items affecting agriculture the file rank lank and tile file or of congress is con tent lent to leave tariff studies with tile the tariff commission velch which they have clothed with th power to give constant study stud to the subject despite the best efforts of this scientific body the tariff continues coni to be pie football of polities politics the federal trade commission which has boon been in ili tile the more than any other bureau 0 of the govern clinent anc nt in ili lite late years anis degardin its jurisdiction over advertising adibi using find other othe functions which it has been cla aimed I 1 it usurped lias has recently lecent ly been facell faced tile the question ol of finances in ili days of pelly it was va comparatively easy to obtain additional tlona aiom congress Congi but this year due to tile slogan of congress being bal nwe atice the budget tile commissions cominess Com iniss ons deni demands ands went milice dad ly jy the issued notices to io employees that there would he be no need for their sei services vices beginning april 3 1 and sout a copy of tile tha notice to congress the gesture walked and now the commission la Is assured that tho the necessary funds will vill bo be ig to co that these goia rement workers borkel s 3 great majority of c ahon aro irom from slit out of 0 town will not bo forced to re urn lionia homo to took sock employ r lert |