Show CO 0 4 HAVE RHY SESSION sei the county commissioners who cou co i la in regular monthly mec ting tuesday had an extremely busy and somewhat so hectic session following routine business business action was taken on matters listed below vern perry was appointed constable tor foi the point district and ills his bond was A as approved appi oed that the boulder district be allo allowed woI a voting per and that the county attorney Atto iney prepare tile the proper articles for the establishment of such pre precinct cint may alay 21 set as tile date on ivelich to I 1 soil sell real property pio perty that lias has been deed oil to the county under auditors tors tax deeds C A frost was given a lease of the fair grounds for pasturing purposes lots 2 and 3 in block 9 township filp sold I 1 to a frank dalton idd E Provan sha was appo appointed iti deputy sheriff for the la sal precinct and ills his bond was approved that two places in lisbon valley be placed in the hands ot of frank sll vey tor or leasing purposes A motion made by comm darton barton to reduce the salaries of the commissioners bras was lost |