Show OUR amm NUION 1 I LETTER am I 1 by national editorial tile the san juan Il record ecord washington march 23 strategists j in tile majda political camps are fit at odds over the assignments of 0 roles in the forthcoming election activity undercover under cover reports are to the effect that calvin coolidge will be drafted as the keynoter key at the republican national convention in ID june the till tappers or money raising agencies have indicated that coolidge Coo lidga must be brought out of the shades of retirement letl ieti rement for the 0 0 P to win the support of important contributors it aPP appoints OITS that the democratic gathering will not bethe belthe only scene of dissension the she iving of at vice president curtis has been whispered for sometime but now openly talked among tte publican state groups there la Is roar fear that tho the scrapping in convention troy may force a factional split that cannot be heated healed before election day it Is an open open secret that president hoover and curtis have never been fi loudly curtis wanted first place at kansas city in ill 1928 1628 its ile Is is resulted ed tt to havo have made derogatory statements blout candidate hoover at the time curtis haslei has jost prestige with the senate as its presiding officer senators are powerful figures at conventions dolly currii gann has been stumping the country for the party in an all effort to place the Hoove rites under obligations mrs airs gann succeeded to the role formerly held by mrs mabel as a poll political trouper small among women 1 tho the eastern republican groups in congress have taken a fancy to ogden mills toi merly a member of the house and now secretary of the trees brer s iny mills could raise the tops of the cash pots pote but ills defeat by al smith a few years ago is listed against him film 1 the administration is reported groom green 1 i ing secretary of war Warl hurley lurley of oklahoma hurley Is young rich and a powerful lul speaker curtis has never been considered an all orator it Is said that hurley could take the active campaigning and hoover would not be dependent on senator dorah borah the 0 G 0 P only deals with dorah because of his oratorical powers in camp in other seasons tile the idaho 1 ern tor is jailed called a republican by courtesy i tesy as lie seldom plays down their when v hen a vola vote Is required the revenue bill threat ns to create political havoc the controversy has reached a stage where party lines have brokon broken it may require months the senate and house agree at on 1 an equitable tax bill meanwhile pro brets coming from congressional districts about various tax proposals are giving the legislators the miseries the slashing sIas hinR of government sal salaries arles ba has s stirred up a hornets borne tIg nest among tie tl c hundreds of thousands of govern V rit nt workers the leaders are plea pi caching ching a doctrine of budget bill bal which requires I 1 savings avin a in costs or make the tax raydis ray pay the trumpeting of tile tho american legion Is creating concern in legis dative bathe and administration circles after a brief period of cooperation with the american r federation ede ration of laboi the nation al advertisers association ard hundreds of civic and indus trial in a coordinated effort to find jobs for tile the unemployed the legion Is out of step and again active in the political arens aiena recalling the costly legion lealo drive for the bonus are wondering whether tills this body Is preparing for another laid on the treasury A little group of glory grabbers grab beis within the legion are obviously threatening 0 thel tiie a yN PIl nelv nery put into shape under the 1 significant name of united act action I 1 all I 1 in n a ai against depression depies slon it may be good tactics tactic in n recruiting cambeis but official washington askance at tile the legions hoglo its sudden intervention in ili legislative relief meas for foi unemployment with resentment against proposed pio posed taxes at high tide congress Coa giess Is suspicious that tile the aplon contemplates bonus massif which would fuel ease tile the federal deficit d by several hundred hu idled millions A drastic cut of 10 per cent cc tit bould catlike a blow at congre congressional in comes the high cost of government way iray be noted in ift the n umber number and costly sil arles of employees in the legislative branch blanch there are men slid and women on this payroll drawing annually of tilts this cotil of members of congress to which Is each the grand total however includes c employees mostly in ili the government printing office and steno on capitol hill celvin rc nn an average of 2100 per pel year the 2500 licup numbers obeis nur employees large ly help of senators and rep rath each legislator Is 1 al loved about a year for office heli helf till thip mount amount Is in some install bastan pes ces paid to members of theli their own ova families who are aie listed as employees but klonin in social elides circles as those who ho help dd dad at the capitol |