Show COUNTY commissioners ACT ON FEED distribution tile the local tied red cross chapter od cd word void tile the first of the week cek thit that needed feed and flour to be dis tribu t ed from the government release or beat could be had paid to ThOmP sOrS upon lipon this advice chairman Cha linian johnson Joh nion and commissioner barton of tle county board got in touch iiii alth the mem mcm hers beis of tile tho county committee and after making a survey of the needs in the different precincts decided to act as a central committee to get tile distribution under vay A v 1 I Y the survey showed that m more 0 r e than two carloads ot of teed feed and flour coald could be distributed in the county and as a result four applications were vere sent to the pacific headquarters of tile the ned cross of tile the feed will be e ex pecked to help the fee teed and I 1 flour ion in n from the railroad so BO far as Is in ili their dower i |