Show opportunity by THOMAS ARKLE CLARK dean of men university Univ enily of illinois opportunity the proverb says knocks at every mans door at least 0 once ne e perhaps some ears are aie duller than 0 others othera th a and n d fa fall 11 to hear the knocking some may m ay iy be too sound asleep p or too deeply engrossed with trivial affairs to recognize the a u ra mons but at any rate the visitor receiving the cold weI welcome cOme passes on to the next door and pos aebly never returns again it Is strange how many men are sure that they have bare never had a chance and how equally sure suie they are that if they had had they would soon have had the world by the tall that la Is the way wallace feels lie ile la Is an old man mail now and I 1 have known him ever since lie he was a young loung fellow in the town near which I 1 lived ile he was always ambitious apparently end and eager to do something worth while but as he says he has never had a chance lie ile has been trying some thing different every few years in tin an endeavor to discover something that he likes something that lie he Is fitted for something that he con throw his hii whole soul and energies into but the opportunity has never come ile he wanted to be a lawyer but he did not have the money mo n ey to go to college and working ills his way seemed too bard a tusk task lie ile was it a traveling attles salesman rilan for a time but lie he saw no future in that una line of work and so he gave it up tie ile bought a little store but there was so much competition that lie he went nent onto the rocks there and so it had gone he never got any alli where he never had on an opportunity it never occurred to him that other fellows whom lie he had known as it a boy with no more money and no more opportunity port unity uniti than ho he had had were pretty well up in the world now cow miller was looked upon as the most successful lawyer in that part of the state and he had started with nothing connor owned a line of chain stores and lie he had begun as an errand boy in the little grocery sto store re on sangamon avenue nod and carson who had been wallaces seat mate in grammar school was nationally known as an author and a scientist ile he could not see that they having no apparent opportunity port unity alty had mode made one each for himself and by hard work and persistence had conquered difficulties th the trouble with most of us ua la Is that what wo we mean by an opportunity Is tin nn easy chance to do something that Is pleasant and that Is sure without effort on our part to result in a soft bed what rm im for a young fellow sold said to me once Is nn an aas easy y joh job with a big salary attached ile he never found it opportunities tuni ties might be more easily recognized d 11 a newspaper writer recently wrote if they dill did not so often conw conia disguised na as hard work twits the difficulty when opportunity fun it y knocks ye ve expect to find an expensive automobile waiting outside to convey us to it soft joh job rc 1031 1930 western newspaper paper union |