Show I 1 he ae KITCHEN I 1 i CABINET 1 1 L i 0 1930 wu W u union uie the th foundation of 0 education con 11 1 1 Is of 0 training train lne a child to work vor to love work to put the energy of his entire being into work to do tha hat t work which deve develops lop Ms Is body mini mind and boul soul to do that at work most needed for or the elevation ot of mankind baeker part ter SUGAR SPICE ALL THINGS NICE the delicious cinnamon clunn nion or pecan roll which moy may be made with one base Is a most delicious bread to serve on many cinnamon Clr Cir namon rolls take tahe one cupful of 0 scalded milk add two tablespoonfuls of sugar one half balf teaspoonful of salt four tablespoonfuls of shortening to the hot milk cool until luke aarm and add an yeast cake softened in one of warm water mix AM with sufficient flour to handle and knead thoroughly then allow tile the bread to rise until treble its bulk cut down and fold and let rise again when light roll into a sheet one halt half inch in thickness and r spread pread with melted butter sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon roll noil like a jolly jelly roll and slice into one inch slices place in a baking pan and allow to rise again bake in a hot 0 oven ven twenty minutes for the pecan rolls place a gener ous portion of butter and brown sugar with a half cupful of pecans in the bottom of the pan place the rolls and bake when light turn upside down and serve spiced hot cross suns buns prepare the above mixture make the rolls into roun rounds s after adding one halt half cupful of currants or a mixture of currants anil and raisins a teaspoonful teaspoon tul of cinnamon and one halt teaspoonful of alli allspice filce cut a cross on the top of each with it 11 sharp knife just before baking spice cake sift two and one half cupfuls of pastry flour with one half teaspoonful of soda one teaspoonful of baking powder one fourth ten teaspoonful spoon each of allspice nutmeg mace and one half teaspoonful of cinnamon sift three times cream one half cupful of butter add two cupfuls of 0 sifted brown sugar and cream together until light fight and lully fluffy add two eggs nell belicen end the hour flour mixture rol sturt alternately v one cupful of bf sour ellk nuat beat well after each addition unit mid bahe lit in a greased tin eight by eight inches cake bake fifty minutes yuu |