Show republican convention fention HASA MS i STOW STORMY SESSION fight our for representative senta tive friction blanding landing li delegation dominates the republican county convention was held monday night last in the clerks office of the county court house couse all precincts were represented except pt summit point and after the temporary organization was effected and different committees appointed the fun began with the nominations for foi representative in the legislature legisla tuie the monticello delegation was solid for F B hammond with the remainder divided between chas redd and L K jon jons jones s the fight was vaa an intense one the blanding anding BI delegation finally securing enough purport to name mr air jones for the position it seems that the fight crystallized the attitude of the delegates dele gaes and when the till ticket was finally made up it was vas composed of blanding candidates entirely with the exception of frank halls who was selected as the candidate to succeed himself in the position of county clerk and the nominee for two year term commissioner lloyd adams who resides at carlisle corey perkins of blanding was made county chairman but we have not learned who is the county secretary tary nor whether the part party adopted a platform or not A remark by one of the monticello delegates was overboard it at the close of the session he be stating that they had bad forgotten f 01 gotten to have the court house moved to blanding bland ing |