Show GOVERNOR BERN TELLS OF RECENT TRIP EAST the pushing ahe ahead ad of tate state and federal building and r load 0 ad pr programs pio 0 grams providing work for some of the thou sands ands of unemployed and similar expansion and development by i individual di concerns is doing more moie to improve in prove 0 the industrial situation than anything else stated gov george H dern on his return monday from a three weeks trip to chicago and the middle west other states are spend I 1 ing vast sums in in public improvement and I 1 am more convinced now than ever that an extensive building and road program for the state of f utah during the coming year is isi an economic amic necessity governor dern dein declared he be would call a meeting of the states colorado Coloia do river liver commission probably late this week to dende decide on policy with I 1 regard legard to the negotiations on the distribution trib ution of the water and other mat relating to the duties of the upper states planning commission ile he is is also faced with the task of preparing the biennial budget for the coming legislature budget requests quests le forms have hae been sent to all state de part apartments ments and institutions to be returned to his office by ott oct 15 governor dern made his trip east cast by motor motoi going over oer the victory highway and returning over the lincoln route loute utah need not apologize to any of the neighboring states fo for her hei I 1 roads he declared 0 oui ur highways highways are aie in in splendid condition and are aie a real leal credit to the state en route to chicago governor Goel nol dern ca inferred with governor Gov einor adams of colorado Coloia do governor Gov einor fred J weaver and governor Gov einor jo john in hammill of iowa iowa is is expecting only a 70 per pel cent normal agricultural crop this year but extensive highway expansion li by the state is is doing a great deal toward relieving the industrial situation the governor goer nor said 1 1 they have floated an 80 million dollar 1 bond issue and have nearly finished a thousand mile concrete high way across the s tate state they are now contemplating an another other road which when completed next year will give div e them three trans state paved roads nebraska is is expecting a normal harvest barvest this year rhe I 1 he governor also called upon governor luis L emmerson of illinois but found him b busily engaged in in the political campaign |